It's crazy to think that not too long ago we were looking forward to games like Arcanum and Baldurs Gate 2, with tons of content and different styles of gameplay, dialog focused, great writing, now we get tons of mediocre cinematics and kill cams -- I hardly call Fallout 4 innovative. It's fun, but it's not even really a deep game in any sense, which is something I've traditionally looked forward to from the Fallout series.
I really can't understand how anyone could consider this game deep in any sense. It's really a kill and loot game with railroaded quests, shallow characters, and poor quality dialog and writing.
I suppose many of the fans might not understand this sentiment, but it's the difference between Barefoot and a nice bottle of Chambertin. Or maybe a bud light as opposed to a Racer 5.
Edit: To Cider, I really want to respond to your post, it looks well thought out, and I have some thoughts of my own, but I'm on my phone right now, and it only has a small retina screen.

I'll just say, I don't disagree entirely, but I think you're really ignoring the many quests in New Vegas that do have an impact. I'll just mention the first quest in the game where you can aid or fight against the powder gangers -- in effect deciding the future of goodsprings.
There's more quests such as this. To be honest, I'd be more inclined to compare Fallout 4 to Fallout 1 to see the real distinctions in the quality of quests.