» Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:54 am
I played warhead last night. 1920 x 1080 settings maxed. Crysis 2 looks better. A lot better.
i disagree. Crysis 2 looks good, yes, but if you look at the shadows, or take a closer look at something, you should notice the shadows are blurred, the textures look equal to Crysis 1 (if not worse), and the panorama views just svck. take a look at one of the last missions (Out of the Ashes), where you have to tag a gunship, you can just see the edge of the rendered level with a poor low-quality background. not done...
Soft shadows are actually supposed to be better....like seriously, game devs brag about it when they manage to achieve it. The blur in shadows is a good thing.
The textures are worse than Crysis 1 only because they are 1/2 the size/resolution. But I hear that the actually high-res textures ARE there just not activated for PC AND/OR that we'll have to wait for DX11 for sweet textures.
Panorama views look just fine to me IMO......I like them....looks as good as Crysis 1 to me. Actually, they look a bit more cinematic, with the blurs in specific areas. I felt like I played a movie in Crysis 2, which was SUPPOSED to be the purpose of Crysis 1 to Crytek (and i did not feel like i played a movie in Crysis 1 lol, Just epic graphics).
Particles are better than Crysis 1.
Water ripples.....water ripples.....actually ****, JUST THE WATER, it's better than Crysis 1.
Lighting is the same just like the physics. Maybe a bit superior in the sense of the HDR an bloom.
blurred shadows are better? when i looked at my own shadow i could count pixels at the edge of the shadows, i don't think that's good :p.
i too just read that topic on the textures, and i'm really baffled at how much worse they look when you put them right next to each other! i thought it was worse than Crysis 1, but not THAT much worse!
as for water, it does flow more fluently in Crysis 2. it seems Crytek HAS improved somewhat graphic-wise :p
though really, play the mission Out of the Ashes, and look at the panorama there. it is outright HORRIBLE! i tried to take a screenshot, but printscreen doesn't work in games nowadays anymore :\