Did I hallucinate reading these posts by the devs?

Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:39 am

I could've sworn that some Crytek people said, on the forums out in the open, that the patch would hit Thursday (yesterday) because they wanted to avoid releasing it on April 1st.

Am I misremembering? What happened?
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:15 am

Yeah, CRYTEK release the patch to kick out the cheaters from the game that I feel is the best FPS that's been released for a pretty long time.

The Assasin's Creed of FPS.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:15 pm

While I agree that the game would be pretty awesome if I could actually play and have my progress recorded (Nano Catalyst bug in SP, various saving bugs in MP), I don't think that the measures they took yesterday actually constitute as a patch -- plus it was pretty clear from what they were saying, they meant it would be a true version update. Unless, again, I hallucinated it. Hoping someone can confirm/deny this.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:51 am

I thought I hallucinated I got a dx10 patch and the gfx were amazing. The difference was huge..............Then i realised I had just clicked the Crysis 1 icon, not the crysis 2 one.

lol... had to
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Love iz not
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:19 am

I bet you haven't even played the first, have you?
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:51 pm

I bet you haven't even played the first, have you?
I'm assuming thats aimed at me

In another post i've said i've followed crytek from their demo x-ilse (was an old nvidia demo). I own 3 copys of far cry, Limited edition crysis, then warhead, and now limited edition crysis 2.

I do own consoles, but i'm a pc gamer at heart.

My 1st comp was a dragon 32 ...anyone remember that?

*edit* I've also jsut bought crysis 2 on xbox. so crytek got my money 2x for crysis 2. Do i now have the right to ask questions regarding it?
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Abi Emily
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:21 am

The Assasin's Creed of FPS.

Yeah... Assassin's Creed was a pretty terrible port of an okay game too.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:44 am

anyway, when cry-tom talked about a patch later this week, it was also refering to some major issues fix. Where is that patch? Does people from crytek work on week-ends? Should we expect it on sunday? I stopped playing C2, like many players as well, cuz it's not worth being played in these conditions. When can we expect to play the game we paid for?

85% of this forum's posts are to complain, didn't they understand yet that it's an emergency and a threat to their reputation? I can't understand this...
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:12 pm

anyway, when cry-tom talked about a patch later this week, it was also refering to some major issues fix. Where is that patch? Does people from crytek work on week-ends? Should we expect it on sunday? I stopped playing C2, like many players as well, cuz it's not worth being played in these conditions. When can we expect to play the game we paid for?

85% of this forum's posts are to complain, didn't they understand yet that it's an emergency and a threat to their reputation? I can't understand this...
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:40 am

Video games are the only business in the world where someone can sell you a faulty broken product and theres absolutly nothing you can do about it.

One big class action lawsuit to set a precedent would fix it all up.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:01 am

Video games are the only business in the world where someone can sell you a faulty broken product and theres absolutly nothing you can do about it.

One big class action lawsuit to set a precedent would fix it all up.
You're American.

You won't get anywhere with a 'Class Action Ya'll Suit!' because the product works...
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:10 am

I think it was more of a server side patch. If you open the console after logging into MP there is a bunch of console commands that are now reset to default when connecting. this takes care of anyone trying to cheat by editing the configuration file.

<07:05:42> pl_movement.nonCombat_heavy_weapon_speed_scale = 0.75 []
<07:05:42> g_telemetrySampleRateSound = -1 []
<07:05:42> net_inactivitytimeoutDevmode = 10 []
<07:05:42> net_inactivitytimeout = 10 []
<07:05:42> g_telemetryConfig = none []
<07:05:42> ai_BurstWhileMovingDestinationRange = 2 []
<07:05:42> ai_CompatibilityMode = crysis2 []
<07:05:42> g_multiplayerDefault = 1 []
<07:05:42> net_enable_tfrc = 0 []
<07:05:42> sv_bandwidth = 30000 []
<07:05:42> g_fpDbaManagementEnable = 0 []
<07:05:42> g_hitDeathReactions_streaming = 2 []
<07:05:42> g_distanceForceNoIk = 35 []
<07:05:42> g_telemetryConfig = MP []
<07:05:42> g_telemetrySampleRatePerformance = 1 []
<07:05:42> g_telemetrySampleRateBandwidth = 3 []
<07:05:42> g_telemetrySampleRateMemory = 2 []
<07:05:42> net_packetsendrate = 20 []
<07:05:42> e_ViewDistRatioVegetation = 12 []
<07:05:42> e_VegetationMinSize = 0.1 [REQUIRE_LEVEL_RELOAD]
<07:05:42> pl_melee.impulses_enable = 1 []
<07:05:42> pl_melee.angle_limit_from_behind = 70 []
<07:05:42> pl_melee.melee_snap_angle_limit = 55 []
<07:05:42> pl_melee.melee_snap_move_speed_multiplier = 12 []
<07:05:42> pl_melee.melee_snap_target_select_range = 3 []
<07:05:42> pl_melee.melee_snap_end_position_range = 1 []
<07:05:42> pl_melee.mp_victim_screenfx_blendout_duration = 0.25 []
<07:05:42> pl_melee.mp_victim_screenfx_duration = 0.1 []
<07:05:42> pl_airFrictionPerk_control.triggerAutomatically = 0 []
<07:05:42> pl_airFrictionPerk_control.fall_activation_height = 0 []
<07:05:42> pl_impulseEnabled = 1 []
<07:05:42> sv_AISystem = 0 [REQUIRE_APP_RESTART]
<07:05:42> e_StreamCgfPoolSize = 28 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistMinTurnScale = 0.5 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistMinTurnScale_IronSight = 0.4 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistSlowStartFadeinDistance = 1 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistSlowStopFadeinDistance = 3 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistSlowFalloffStartDistance = 40 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistMaxDistance = 75 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistMaxDistance_IronSight = 100 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistSlowThresholdOuter = 2.5 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistStrength = 0.7 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistStrength_IronSight = 0.75 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistInputForFullFollow_Ironsight = 0.2 []
<07:05:42> aim_assistFalloffDistance = 70 []
<07:05:42> pl_jump_maxTimerValue = http://www.mycrysis.com/forums/0 []
<07:05:42> net_log = 1 []
<07:05:42> g_spawn_vistable_numLineTestsPerFrame = 3 []
<07:05:42> net_breakage_sync_entities = 0 []
<07:05:42> g_breakageMinAxisInertia = 1 []
<07:05:42> g_glassAutoShatterMinArea = 0.5 []
<07:05:42> s_ObstructionMaxPierecability = 50 []
<07:05:42> g_actorViewDistRatio = 255 []
<07:05:42> controller_multiplier_x = 3 [RESTRICTEDMODE]
<07:05:42> controller_multiplier_z = 4 [RESTRICTEDMODE]
<07:05:42> g_playerLowHealthThreshold = 20 []
<07:05:42> g_playerMidHealthThreshold = 60 []
<07:05:42> p_max_entity_cells = 10000 []
<07:05:42> e_VegetationSprites = 0 []
<07:05:42> r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 0.002 []
<07:05:42> pl_movement.speedScaleWithoutNanosuit = 1.03 []
<07:05:42> pl_movement.sprint_SpeedScaleWithoutNanosuit = 1.61 []
<07:05:42> pl_movement.strafe_SpeedScaleWithoutNanosuit = 0.75 []
<07:05:42> pl_movement.sprint_timeInAirToStopSprinting = 0.5 []
<07:05:42> pl_stealth_shotgunDamageCap = 40 []
<07:05:42> pl_stealth_maxSpreadOnFire = 1 []
<07:05:42> pl_jump_quickPressThresh = 0.12 []
<07:05:42> pl_swimSpeedSprintSpeedMul = 1.5 []
<07:05:42> pl_swimUpSprintSpeedMul = 1.5 []
<07:05:42> pl_swimNoSuitSprintSpeedMul = 1.25 []
<07:05:42> e_GI = 1 []
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:59 am

I thought I hallucinated I got a dx10 patch and the gfx were amazing. The difference was huge..............Then i realised I had just clicked the Crysis 1 icon, not the crysis 2 one.

lol... had to

I played warhead last night. 1920 x 1080 settings maxed. Crysis 2 looks better. A lot better.
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danni Marchant
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:23 pm

The Assasin's Creed of FPS.

Yeah... Assassin's Creed was a pretty terrible port of an okay game too.

Assassin's Creed also supported DX 10. Sorry I had to...
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:35 am

I played warhead last night. 1920 x 1080 settings maxed. Crysis 2 looks better. A lot better.

i disagree. Crysis 2 looks good, yes, but if you look at the shadows, or take a closer look at something, you should notice the shadows are blurred, the textures look equal to Crysis 1 (if not worse), and the panorama views just svck. take a look at one of the last missions (Out of the Ashes), where you have to tag a gunship, you can just see the edge of the rendered level with a poor low-quality background. not done...
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:29 pm

I thought I hallucinated I got a dx10 patch and the gfx were amazing. The difference was huge..............Then i realised I had just clicked the Crysis 1 icon, not the crysis 2 one.

lol... had to

I'll be honest, as much as I think Crysis 2 is better than Crysis 1 and that the fanbase needs to support Crytek as they finish the game up with patches and updates.....

That's a pretty funny joke lol.

Waiting for DX11 Crysis 2 :)
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:00 pm

I played warhead last night. 1920 x 1080 settings maxed. Crysis 2 looks better. A lot better.

i disagree. Crysis 2 looks good, yes, but if you look at the shadows, or take a closer look at something, you should notice the shadows are blurred, the textures look equal to Crysis 1 (if not worse), and the panorama views just svck. take a look at one of the last missions (Out of the Ashes), where you have to tag a gunship, you can just see the edge of the rendered level with a poor low-quality background. not done...

You can disagree all you want but you're wrong. I'm not saying Crysis 2 looks perfect because it doesn't. You ca fine flaws with anything if you try hard enough. Warhead looks dated plain and simple. DX 10 can't save it.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:19 am

I played warhead last night. 1920 x 1080 settings maxed. Crysis 2 looks better. A lot better.

i disagree. Crysis 2 looks good, yes, but if you look at the shadows, or take a closer look at something, you should notice the shadows are blurred, the textures look equal to Crysis 1 (if not worse), and the panorama views just svck. take a look at one of the last missions (Out of the Ashes), where you have to tag a gunship, you can just see the edge of the rendered level with a poor low-quality background. not done...

Soft shadows are actually supposed to be better....like seriously, game devs brag about it when they manage to achieve it. The blur in shadows is a good thing.

The textures are worse than Crysis 1 only because they are 1/2 the size/resolution. But I hear that the actually high-res textures ARE there just not activated for PC AND/OR that we'll have to wait for DX11 for sweet textures.

Panorama views look just fine to me IMO......I like them....looks as good as Crysis 1 to me. Actually, they look a bit more cinematic, with the blurs in specific areas. I felt like I played a movie in Crysis 2, which was SUPPOSED to be the purpose of Crysis 1 to Crytek (and i did not feel like i played a movie in Crysis 1 lol, Just epic graphics).

Particles are better than Crysis 1.

Water ripples.....water ripples.....actually ****, JUST THE WATER, it's better than Crysis 1.

Lighting is the same just like the physics. Maybe a bit superior in the sense of the HDR an bloom.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:23 am

It's not to hard to find flaws in Crysis 2, all you have to do is press start to begin.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:03 am

I am still baffled as to how anyone can legitimately say that they think crysis 2 is better than the first. It's beyond me. I've gone back and played through the original and warhead, and i get tons of more enjoyable game play with the first 2 crysis games than i think i ever will with crysis 2. Crysis 2 is just way too linear and static. There is nowhere to go in crysis 2, except down the hallway, or down the street. I expected crysis 2 to be more of an... urban jungle, as opposed to the predetermined path system they created for us. Ontop of that, the graphics of the original crysis are clearly superior to that of the second. Now that your playing it at 1920x1080, try turning all your graphics settings up to maximum. Assuming that you have a dx10 capable card, you will notice immediately how much more splendor the original crysis games bring with their graphics as opposed to the console port style of crysis 2.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:54 am

I played warhead last night. 1920 x 1080 settings maxed. Crysis 2 looks better. A lot better.

i disagree. Crysis 2 looks good, yes, but if you look at the shadows, or take a closer look at something, you should notice the shadows are blurred, the textures look equal to Crysis 1 (if not worse), and the panorama views just svck. take a look at one of the last missions (Out of the Ashes), where you have to tag a gunship, you can just see the edge of the rendered level with a poor low-quality background. not done...

Soft shadows are actually supposed to be better....like seriously, game devs brag about it when they manage to achieve it. The blur in shadows is a good thing.

The textures are worse than Crysis 1 only because they are 1/2 the size/resolution. But I hear that the actually high-res textures ARE there just not activated for PC AND/OR that we'll have to wait for DX11 for sweet textures.

Panorama views look just fine to me IMO......I like them....looks as good as Crysis 1 to me. Actually, they look a bit more cinematic, with the blurs in specific areas. I felt like I played a movie in Crysis 2, which was SUPPOSED to be the purpose of Crysis 1 to Crytek (and i did not feel like i played a movie in Crysis 1 lol, Just epic graphics).

Particles are better than Crysis 1.

Water ripples.....water ripples.....actually ****, JUST THE WATER, it's better than Crysis 1.

Lighting is the same just like the physics. Maybe a bit superior in the sense of the HDR an bloom.

blurred shadows are better? when i looked at my own shadow i could count pixels at the edge of the shadows, i don't think that's good :p.

i too just read that topic on the textures, and i'm really baffled at how much worse they look when you put them right next to each other! i thought it was worse than Crysis 1, but not THAT much worse!

as for water, it does flow more fluently in Crysis 2. it seems Crytek HAS improved somewhat graphic-wise :p

though really, play the mission Out of the Ashes, and look at the panorama there. it is outright HORRIBLE! i tried to take a screenshot, but printscreen doesn't work in games nowadays anymore :\
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:10 pm

Cryengine 3 > Cryengine 2. They just didn't use it as much as they could have in Crysis 2. Every platform should be pushed, graphically. They've already done that with the 360 and PS3 versions, why does the PC get held back? Running the game beyond the current max settings via tweaked cfg files and still getting 60+ fps constantly just makes me sad.

Now gameplay wise, Crysis 2 doesn't even come close to C1. Not even close. They said it would be an urban sandbox but just like everything else they said the game would feature, that was false. Levels are super linear and you can't continue an objective unless you're at a specific spot. Remember the very first level in C1? You only had to do one thing:get to the end where the frozen boat was. Anything inbetween is your choice. In C2 you have to kill everything for the next wave to appear so you can finally move on. There are some parts where you could just sneak past, but they are few and far between. And what's with all the movement and camera freezing tutorial crap? In Crysis 1 the first level started you off in a little enclosed area and you could experiment and learn about the suit. In Crysis 2 the game treats you like you're a total moron and freezes you in place to tell you things you already know. If it was skippable, I wouldn't complain. Every cutscene except for the level start ones are unskippable.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:04 am

Stopped playing the game on 'semper fi or die' level. Already ignored the AI bugs and now this mouse glitch. Will wait for a patch, if crytek dont release one, gonna sell the game. In the mean time, have this crytek : _|_
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Greg Swan
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:10 am

I am still baffled as to how anyone can legitimately say that they think crysis 2 is better than the first. It's beyond me. I've gone back and played through the original and warhead, and i get tons of more enjoyable game play with the first 2 crysis games than i think i ever will with crysis 2. Crysis 2 is just way too linear and static. There is nowhere to go in crysis 2, except down the hallway, or down the street. I expected crysis 2 to be more of an... urban jungle, as opposed to the predetermined path system they created for us. Ontop of that, the graphics of the original crysis are clearly superior to that of the second. Now that your playing it at 1920x1080, try turning all your graphics settings up to maximum. Assuming that you have a dx10 capable card, you will notice immediately how much more splendor the original crysis games bring with their graphics as opposed to the console port style of crysis 2.

Learn to read. I am playing on max (enthusiast) for all settings (I have a DX11 capable card). It doesn't look as good as you think. A lot of the textures are more low res than you remember. Although I agree that the levels are not as wide open as the first two, they're not all as linear as you make them out to be. Yes the indoor areas are kind of linear but they are confined by definition. The outdoor areas have multiple routes though. Subways, rooftops or through the streets. And then there's the downside to the huge maps in Crysis and Warhead. You often get lost. That's not very fun. And even then, the original maps weren't THAT open, there were boxed in by rocks and mountains which made them seem larger. On top of that, the giant maps make it too easy to avoid fighting at all as you can cut through the jungle and avoid just about any conflict between objectives. As far as the console port crap goes. that's just getting old. It's not a console port. The PC version is WAY better than the XBOX version. I know because I own both. You're just jealous because it's no longer a PC exclusive. Get used to it. Console owners buy more games.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:02 pm

Crysis 2 Physics are inferior to Crysis 1.
Crysis 2's Water is inferior to Crysis 1.
Crysis 2 is inferior to Crysis 1 (maybe except gameplay/-fun).
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Gaelle Courant
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