I am however, seeing the same old crap from the other barricade too.
It starts with "OMG why no freeplay, factions are boring, this sacks" ranges to "OMG too much talking, I want to shoot things.", which is followed by an endless discussion how Fallout should be about exploration only and ends up with "it's no Fallout 3! Why it's no Fallout3?!".
No. Bloody. Progress. Since. The. Relase.

But all of this(yes even my comments), is a nebulous subjective matter. I consider NV as a superior
Fallout game, and yes, I am willing to discuss it(even though my tone could have said it otherwise, sorry for that). Call it whatever you want, elitism, placing-on-a-pedestal, fan-boyism, I couldn't possibly care less.
Also, please do tell *what* exactly are those indisputable facts then, which are broken by the wayside. I am VERY interested to hear them.

BTW: I still stand by my opinion about the choices and consequences being petty and meaningless. Blackmailing Stahl doesn't exactly bite you in the [censored], same for the Slavers and other 'choices'.
We will speak no more of this we will agree to disagree
Fair enough. Don't get me wrong though, I thought that F3 was a brilliant game on its own, which perfectly combined exploration with a 3D postapocalyptia. But Fallout is Fallout IMO if you catch my drift. :fallout: