I ask this because I went on Oblivion today and I forgot how tankish the Imperials are, especially the Legionnaires. And how the Nords were more drunken barbarians than honour-bound warriors, and the Dunmer were of course still a high and mighty race.
Do you think Skyrim represented the races well, or are there places where you thought they were better represented in past games?
Personally, I preferred Oblivion's Imperials. As a mostly-neutral-but-kinda-leans-a-bit-more-to-the-Imperials-guy I didn't like the smaller, scrawnier Imperials in Skyrim with their poorer armour and irritating voice. When an Oblivion Legionairre yelled "THEN PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD!" you know you're [censored]. But the Imperials in Skyrim are so... small and weak...
However, I preferred Skyrim's Nords and Orcs. In Oblivion the two were too similar in terms of personalities and culture, IMO.