Trying something new here. I've been working on these wrinkles for a whileeee, trying to age her up so I can make another wise woman. And since everyone hates pretty supermodels. >:/
Hey, now! I love pretty supermodels, as long as we are talking pixilated supermodels. Particularly yours!
Seriously, those faces look great. I thought I read somewhere in here that you'd trashed the first two, but I do hope you will reconsider; the middle one, in particular, looks quite perfect for a more middle-aged character, and I can think of a couple of characters in-game (and at least one of my own PCs) that could use that face nicely. She looks like a Redoran noblewoman to me.
UPDATE: Just how many Ashlander wise women are there, anyway? Cause here's another. Using more of this aging/wrinkling technique, not sure if it looks good/realistic.
See, she looks more like the kind of Ashlander wise woman that I keep running into in the middle of nowhere, who wants to steal my "essence". And my gold. I think it is pretty realistic, although perhaps she needs just a tiny bit more wrinkles around the cheekbones, near the nose? I can't quite put my finger on why, and it could just be me, but her nose seems a little younger than the rest of her face. Perhaps she went to the Telvanni for nose job magic.
And another younger one:
Sorry if these look 'too human.' I realized that part of what's making them look human is that I'm not using that crazy elongated super jagged head mesh that most Dunmer replacers use, and that's a personal choice. I just think the rounder/softer one looks better. *shrug*
I have to agree with you on the mesh. The one that is used in Vvardenfell Visages (I believe; the one from the base pictures you were showing) is pretty hideous, IMHO. Not trying to be offensive, of course, but it IS older, and needs updating. Again, as a purely personal opinion, I think what you are doing here, with the dramatic, exotic eyes, is going a long way to making them look distinctly non-human.
Edit: And incidentally, that face looks lovely too.

UPDATE: You know I can't let an add-on go by without making at least one face with crazy makeup.
These are AWESOME! I do believe these are my very favorite of all the heads you've made so far. The almost over-the-top, dramatic eye color is perfect, please,
please leave them in!
It does look like there might be a very odd, jagged edge at the corner of each eye, kind of fanning out in a triangle. I would have thought that was just where the makeup around each eye ended, except the color doesn't seem to quite match the skin tone of the rest of the face. Is that just the screenshot?