Are we being trolled, here?
The thing is, the launch of Fallout 3 was actually
more disastrous. In Fallout 3, in my first vanilla playthrough, I had a number of game breaking bugs and even more quest breaking ones.
The ones that stick in my memory is the issue where if you tried to get anywhere near the South-Eastern edge of the map (where you needed to go to complete the game), the whole game would lock up. They took weeks to fix that. And another example was the horrible NPC pathing, which is so much better in NV. I remember doing the quest where I had to escort the ex-slaves to the Lincoln memorial, and that quest totally bugged out, resulting in the NPCs endlessly walking back and forth down the same street instead of going to their destination.
And that was with vanilla. By comparison, my New Vegas vanilla experiences have been beautiful. I've experienced bugs, yes, but nowhere near the incredible ball-dropping that happened in Fallout 3. Not even remotely close. If the disastrous launch of New Vegas would've killed modding, then it would've been killing the undead zombie left over by the horrendous launch of Fallout 3.

Yet Fallout 3 was a modding success, and so too is New Vegas. In fact, from what I've seen, it looks like people are more excited about modding NV than they were about FO3 way back when. There's a real positive buzz around this game.