I know it disabled the cap glitch in vendor inventories used to buy everything, tho the shipment dupe clutch at the workbench still works, no clue about dogmeat item duping as I'm in the middle of reverting to the base game install.
I dont understand why they had to patch it in a single player game, leave my cheats alone
Shipment dupe glitch? That sounds interesting
I'm not one to use cheats/exploits but I think it's stupid that they patch them when there's so much broken stuff that needs addressing. It's fine if you want to patch stuff like that but don't put it as priority over all the other things that need attention like you did in Skyrim...fixes the Ohgma glitch, leaves the rest for the Unofficial Patch
Not sure what the policy is here on posting links to other sites, but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCBNvAWsXUk
basically, if you have a shipment in your inventory and you use Store all, and cancel out before it finishes storing, you get the items from the delivery, and keep the shipment, you can repeat this as many times as you like, I've used it to give like 50k steel / wood for building as well as materials for making turrets
i think its good they patch glitches only because they can cause problems and instability too bigger problems , and i think half of the problems i read are related too abusing the game in such way it becomes problematic and therefor more difficult for the dev too track and fix things .
on the other hand i too use the shipment glitch because like every beth game i dont stay with 1 character no i make several and too help myself too go too the same procces over and over i need a little startup a capsboost a level boost ...but [censored] as alway,s its a very repentative and time consuming thing
but lets just say thats the bad side for being a console gamer on pc type in a few codes it takes 5 minutes for me it takes 1 and a half day
i wasn't able to get the Cryolater the second time I tried. I was like it was patched before the patch came out.
I thought shipments automatically go to your workbench. I've only bought 1 or 2 so far and haven't noticed them in my inventory after purchasing. This will probably be one of those things that I would want to use on a future character that will be patched by then.
How is a broken quest even remotely similar? One is a game breaking element that can't be avoided and the other is tricking the system in a very specific way that doesn't happen naturally.
complete bs imo, it was definitely patched. I feel like even the developers did it, seeing as theres atleast 11-12 rounds (the minimum) at 99% of vendors
i agree that the workbench build limit glitch needs to stay.
cant see why they dont leave caps glitch in as pc users can do what they like
Duplicating shipments which worked perfectly yesterday on ps4 I could not get to work anymore today after updating....anyone got it to work? Maybe I got slower over night