He probably knew the Vault was a scam/science experiment, and knew you were selling your soul to Vault-Tec
he did & did you see his hands they looked plastic.
He wasn't recruiting, he came to confirm the details of their already existing reservation in the vault.
I did notice the Salesman seemed a bit...twitchy. Odd since there's definitely a time gap between the time he leaves and the time Codsworth calls you into the living room to see the news broadcast.
Same way the courier delivered packages for years in NCR territories, yet forgot who the NCR was.
Same way the Dragonborn has lived in Tamriel their whole life and doesn't know about the Great war, the Dominion, or the White Gold concordant.
Every RPG ever made does this same stuff, its considered an excusable fiat in order to give people information they may not have if its their first time playing a game in the series or w/e.
My thoughts on this is that he probably knew that the bombs were about to drop.
How often do people forget Bethesda is owned by Zenimax?
Or like mentioning "Macintosh" and someone holding a iPad with a iPod and a iPhone asks "What?"
I think he was just nervous that he wouldn't meet his quota, and wouldn't get his company-sponsored place in the local vault. Oh, if only he knew
Seriously, though, if you have a secret to keep, the best way of keeping it is to not tell anyone. Including the people you hire to go door-to-door filling in forms for a late check on who has suddenly decided to move away from built-up areas to avoid the risk of getting bombed (instead of hiding underground), or (giving the stats he was collecting) which demographic they've over allocated and have to exclude due to 'administrative error'.
Like others have said it sounds like he knew they were coming. Did anyone else notice the Vault-Tec truck outside the PC's house, wonder what that implies? Did the Salesman leave his truck because the bombs were falling? Or did he head to the vault as soon as he was done working because he knew they were going to fall?
Actually there was a cut in the scene... we don't know how much time has passed.
The vault-tec representative sounded like Paul Eiding, who was the voice actor for these 19 characters in Fallout 3......
Nathan Vargas / Abraham Washington / Tree Father Birch / Evan King / Arkansas / Daniel Littlehorn / Dr. Zimmer / Walter / Father Clifford / Mister Lopez / Dr. Julius Banfield / Herbert Dashwood / Irving Cheng / Harris Smith / Breadbox / Tinker Joe / Officer Taylor / The Preacher / Bill Steward (voice)
Must be a voice actor shortage in the world.
Which means they had to have signed up for a spot in the Vault beforehand to get a clearance check, aka, they already had set up a reservation.
As for why it happens so soon, because its a game, and they cant have you spend like 6 weeks or w.e just dikeing around pre-war.
It is the same guy, and hes just a voice actor Beth has basically on speed dial. He was in Skyrim also I believe.
There's no way some salesman/Vault-tec Rep knows bombs are literally about to drop, and there's no way the character signing his name on a piece of paper is the launch codes for the nukes.
If everyone who went door to door regarding Vaults knew the bombs were hours or even a day off from dropping you can bet no one would be going door to door.
I think it's more of a case of knowing that they'll inevitably drop so its a twitchy subject.
It may something about our character, before the war.
We're a Veteran that's doing speeches. Perhaps a Anchorage hero?
Unless he's a Chinese spy I doubt it's anything more than a coincidence.
Unless the PC was in The Enclave, no, it doesn't really make sense that he would have a Vault slot unless he did so himself.
I think it was just his stupid looking face. Most salesmen I've met, who've come to my door, have a stupid looking face. Personally I think he looked rather excited, not nervous. Maybe he was shaking because he was so excited from meeting his sales quota? Maybe the stupid faced looking salesman just had his day made? But it luckily ends soon enough.