Did they fix this ?

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:40 pm


At 6:15, when he puts stuff like weapons or ingots/potions on some shelf, when you rejoin the house everything falls on the ground.

Did they fix that [censored] ? Oh and BTW one more question, when you get attacked by bandits or some random monsters, if I marry Aela for exemple and I tell her to stay in the house, will she defend it along with the steward ?

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Maya Maya
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:19 am

1- No, that's just a part of the decortation process. Drop something on the floor, exit the cell, enter it again, and then decorate it.

2- Since she is capable of fighting, she will not go into the house.

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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:57 pm

I'm not sure what you are talking about.

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hannah sillery
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:30 pm

Newbie house decorator put everything in place and wondered why it was all on the floor when he returned. You drop it, exit the house and then return to decorate. The game will remember where you dropped new items, not where you put them. Most weapons it will remember since they are usually treated differently to other items. Once the house has them stored in memory, then you can move them and they will stay there. Dropping too much stuff can overload things as well, so small batches done a few times are best. But provided you drop it first and reload the room (the cellar door is good for that), and decorate around what is in the house, you can decorate to your hearts content.







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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:06 pm

Holy [censored]!

I would not have the patience to do that. My God. Good on you. :tops:

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:01 am

Thanks. :blush:

I have been interested in home decorating since Oblivion, so was happy I could expand on it in Skyrim. Although it was a rocky start back in 2011 and I did not do a lot till about the 1.6 patch. Hopefully the next game will come home decorator friendly from day 1. I usually do a lot of exploring and quests in the game, then decide to stay home a bit and decorate, unless I gain some really good item and want to put it on display. But then it took Bethesda so long to fix most of the problems with the houses, took a while to get back to that. My Hjerim bedroom dagger cases are full of gems, got tired of them eating my daggers each time I hopefully tested them after a new patch.

Certainly having such spacious houses in Hearthfire got me enthusiastic about home decorating again, and thankfully everything actually worked! Once you managed to get it built.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:00 pm

Holy crap. That is exactly what I'm doing in my home (Greenhouse, Trophy Room, Library) I moved all the smithing stuff downstairs, cuz nothing svckS MORE THAN BEING OVERENCUMBERED WHEN BUILDING YOUR HOUSE AND GETTING ATTACKED BY A DRAGON, A GROUP OF BANDITS, A GROUP OF VAMPIRES, CULTISTS, BEARS AND MAGIC CHALLENGERS. And dumping all your stuff on the ground just so you can deal with it.

How the hell did you stack those ingots? I'm trying and they turn upside down. If this was Oblivion, I'd be done by now. Physics are all [censored] up in this game. Gravity doesn't work anymore.

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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:08 am

I see you are having a similar problem to my first character, who was just so popular with the locals it was an epic battle every single time you wanted to visit Lakeview Manor, fortunately it slowed down a bit on a replay to only one or two lots per visit, he never travelled over encumbered though.

Ingots have a fixed grip at least on the Xbox 360, I turn them up the right way by rolling them against something, I usually just put them against the front edge of the shelf and make them flip under it to get them up the right way, and carefull put them against the inside side to get them straight. Or use the the inside sides to roll them down till they are up the right way. Chances are when you drop them they are going to land the right way anyway, you just have to line them up on a flat surface. Ingots are easy to stack, but not easy to get them to stay stacked. I spent ages on that problem, my carefully stacked piles would eventually ended up a bit scattered as ingots fell off. Those ingots are wedged in there with no space to move sideways, so they cannot slide off. The moonstone ones have nice square edges so are easier to stack in a small pile and get them to stay, so they ended up on another shelf by themselves, and the gold ingots ended up in baskets.

I would love to be able to do small piles like the iron ingots in the Proudspire basemant and other places, but I suspect that is something the PC users can do easier, I play on the consoles and failed miserably at that.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:20 am

Sweet. Thanks aussie. I'm a gonna try doing some more stacking tonight after my deadlines right now. I will remember that about the moonstone. THanks!

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:45 pm

So *NOW* I know why my Gauldur Amulet disappeared from the upstairs display case by the mannequin... only to be noticed a couple of (real life) days later floating in the air up in the rafters of my entryway. I gave up decorating after that, and a weapon disappearing from a display case in my armory and ending up in the back storage room.

I'm glad I clicked this thread. The more you know... :)

And yeah, Aussie, that's some beautiful work. I wish I had the patience. Telekinesis doesn't even work at all for decorating in Skyrim. It only seems to be good for launching things. :(

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:50 am

Holy crap, I wouldn't have had the patience to do this, even on PC. It was madness trying to get even my 2 Statues of Dibella to sit right on the pedestals in the Entryway. Good work!

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leigh stewart
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:31 am

You do not need to use telekinesis, you can just pick objects up by hand. Just hold the curser on it, and press whatever button you usually use to to add thing to the inventory, only hold it for a bit longer, you will be able to move it around, press the same button again to let it go.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:39 pm

Yes, I know all of that; I just wish TK was still helpful like it was in Oblivion. It's mostly useless in Skyrim except for powerleveling Alteration.

At least the meat pies I put on my dining room table aren't teleporting all around the place. That's about the extent of my decoration so far. But thanks for the leaving/entering cell tip.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:29 am

My character doesn't travel overencumbered. But she is currently storing all building materials in that chest outside. She looks around the house really carefully before taking all, but it never works... as soon as she takes all to start building, the [censored] comes down. Literally, walking from that chest outside, to do work on your home from the inside, can be the longest journey ever what with all the interruptions. :D

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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:34 pm

Maybe you should store building materials in the small house chest? And just take outside what you need?

My woeful Orc character had a new approach to the problem of being attacked, he stored his in the house because he just plain could not fight and survive the problems outside, not even against 3 bandits, although he seem to have got 6 the first time. His house was finished, he was just looking to store the stuff needed to build the next house. He gets vampire attacks now on towns, so cannot use his one town house. Ended up rushing into Lakeview, dumping everything in the small house chest, rushing up to the enchanting tower roof and picking them off from the small house roof. He is the first character I have had who is so woeful, he is going to be retired as just to hard to deal with, it has got beyond a joke.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:23 am

I'd guess not. I can't even use the bookshelves without book spilling onto the floor.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:08 pm

Looks great! I have minimal patience with my interior decorating. If it was like Oblivion I'd have the house all decorated nicely.

My dining table in one non-Hearthfire house has an assortment of decorations, like a Centurion Dynamo Core, a Gyro, round things.

My Hearthfire houses aren't as decorated as I'd like them with usually only the odd food items on the tables, though I have been using some bookcases for things other than books.



Some days I don't even leave the house. Too busy decorating, or trying to :confused:

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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:50 am

Nice pics! :D Well done on those placements! Very impressed with the ingot stacks, and the masks were a good touch.

I'm curious, do you ever accidentally bump something and have it all fly around the room? That basket full of staves got me wondering. Very well placed, but it would be just my luck that I'd bump it on accident and send them all bouncing around the armory, knocking other things out of place. Happens to me all the time when passing by tables :teehee:

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:54 pm

I did actually knock something over the other day, although I swear I never touched the shelves, the potion bottles kept falling off them. It was really strange, the bottles have been there for ages, and no I do not bump into them. I was getting really annoyed the fourth time I had to put bottles back. The bowls also fell off the top of the shelves, and there is no way I could bump into them.

If I did not know better, I would think the bees from the greenhouse were doing their own house decorating.

Not really anything to do with house decorating, but there are some things in the game you could only reach using TK. I never really used it for anything else.

I see you are a PC player, because I cannot use those shelves for anything but books, but my two house decorators have plenty of books.

There is still a lot of decorating I would like to do, but never get the time. I usually either decorate between doing other things in the game, or decorate because I am not feeling well enough to do anything else. The ingots were a pet peeve, I just sat there till I got them to stay. I love lavender and have it in all different sizes, but it is mainly useless since it is so hard to arrange in anything. I have done it in several homes, but it is very frustrating. It usually ends up with me storming off to take my anger out on some poor dead things in a dungeon some where.

My one PS3 character has one home, Breezehome, and I am determined to do something different with, my Orc does nothing right and will be no loss when he retires due to incompetence, and my other two characters are home decorators one with all the homes, one with everything you could live in. So I ever get bored there are still plenty of things I could try out.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:31 pm

In Breezehome all I've done is put one Butterfly in a Jar on a side table upstairs in my room, one Elder Scroll on top of the tall cupboard near the alchemy room, one Elder Scroll on the narrow table next to the bookcase and one plopped on the dining table. The most difficult to place was the butterfly jar. It's actually right-side up, though I'm sure the butterfly wouldn't care if it was upside down.

Yes, I'm on PC. I'd tried a mod called Decorator Assistant, but it's not like the very similar Fallout 3 mod called Feng Shui. It didn't work for me. So I have to do most decorating by hand. When I can be bothered :)

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:42 pm

Breezehome was the first home I ever got way back in Nov 2011, so thinking I could just continue on from Oblivion I wanted to start decorating a bit. Got the alchemy area all nicely done, with butterfly jar, troll skull, wooden plate and knife for cutting up ingredients and alchemy ingredients on the table, in baskets and a few bowls of stuff around the room. Came back later to find the usual mess, I was steamed. I eventually got them to stay where they were put, but it ruined the enthusiasm a bit.

Never had any trouble getting all the enchanted weapons to stay on the table, since the weapon rack did not work, nor the weapon plaque above the door, I decided to claim the table for weapon display. Took them so long to fix the bugs with Breezehome, I sort of lost interest in the place. I put some potion bottles on the shelves near the door to the alchemy room, but the things kept moving. I gave up on the entire idea till about the 1.5 patch, then I decorated Honeyside instead. Went back to Breezehome with the 1.6 patch, when the bottles finally stayed put! Apart from the small table near the entrance it is as decorated as that character is ever going to have it. There are some strange glitches going on with that table, the last character to start decorating Breezehome moved nothing on that table, since it is so hard to get some things to stay there.

i would have to say, some houses inspired me more than others, for some reason I never really did a lot with Proudspire or Vlindrel Hall, Although Braggen my first character who has everything also ended up decorating the abandoned house in Markarth a bit, which is a bit different to the more normal homes. I got more enthusiastic about that than the nice house up on the hill.

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Tina Tupou
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:12 am

From one ingot stacker to another, well done!


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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 6:24 pm

Nice spacing! I gotta get cracking! :ahhh:

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:36 am

Yet if I did that on the Xbox 360 or PS3, the stacks would fall over after a few reloads, how is it PC players seem to get different physics. :(

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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:11 pm

Framerate can affect physics. Skyrim runs @ 30 fps max on the 360, AFAIK. A PC user with a very powerful rig can run the game at a framerate much higher, but they won't be doing themselves many favors physics-wise, as high FPS can make the physics get really wonky.

My FPS is Skyrim is capped @ 60, as I force vsync. I cannot stand seeing screen tearing in a game that's supposed to be immersive visually.

Maybe the guy who posted that screenie keeps it capped low? Sometimes when I enter a inn, the first thing I see is dinnerware and food ricocheting off of the walls. But I'm not going to cap my FPS lower than 60, as I can really see it, and it's irritating.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZDpJ8lBnuQ is an example vid of uncapped FPS making physics go nuts. The quality svcks, but it gets the point across. Keep an eye on the FRAPS FPS counter in the upper left corner. It's usually over 100.

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