» Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:59 pm
Like anyone, I love in-depth NPC's. But at the same time, I think we need a lot more of the generic, dime-a-dozen NPC's just to roam around cities and the like, as well as more buildings to house them. There could even just be more, bigger inns. Anything to give these people an actual place to live. I mean, where do all of the guards live? They make up about half of the population in any given town. They have to have families somewhere, they certainly have to come from somewhere. They don't just spring to life in the barracks, and live in it for the rest of their lives. Solitude does a great job of looking huge although it's not that big. The problem with Solitude, however, is that the great streets are empty. There should be npc's swarming the streets, even generic ones. There should also be buildings to house them, they don't even need to be enterable. Sure, they'd be generic and overall inconsequential, save that they would add that much needed city-feeling to the towns.
We're in the frozen north, the land of the nords. However, that doesn't mean that all of the 'cities' should be barren and empty. I'd expect the Capitol of any imperial province to be, at the very least, packed with people and buildings. Lore-wise, of course they won't be as big as the imperial city. Then again, lore-wise the imperial city should be dozens of times the size that it is in Oblivion. The entire world should be. It doesn't hold up well as an excuse.