Idk when I think of towns from Oblivion I think of the one where everyone was invisible, or the one that rained dogs.
Those had maybe 6ish buildings, but at least had interesting stories and quests behind them, unlike skyrim where its a mill that you can work for.
The one that rained dogs had 6 buildings, the one where everyone was invisible had 3. I just calculated it, the small towns in Skyrim have an average of exactly 4, same as Oblivion, though there are fewer of them. On the other hand, I'm not counting mines, mills or burnt buildings in that count. I think in terms of story and quests, Skyrim wins here, the towns each have, it would seem, at least 2 or 3 quests that start there or involve them, while Oblivion's usually had 1, or in some cases, 0. Either way, the picture I linked you is not even close in size to those settlements, there are 19 buildings and 5 boats in it.