ye it does, do you know any game that doesnt?
as for your individual performance issues =/= as the genral performance of the players, there are issues I'm sure, but they are not "quite comon"
The PS3 problem is "quite common", indeed. It's all the PS3 technical section has been buzzing about and even major media outlets have taken notice. Performance in the cities is performance in the cities, however. If, with my PS3, I'm experiencing constant, unavoidable slowdowns and generally poor performance in the cities, all with the PS3 version would be experiencing the same and all with the game, period, should probably be noticing the cities are abnormally demanding, hence hlvr mentioning it on his PC version, here. When companies like Ubisoft and Avalanche Studios can make huge, open-ended environments (far larger than any Bethesda "city") that look good and function well across all platforms, it points out just how outdated Bethesda's technical techniques are.Better occlusion techniques, I say... we need better occlusion techniques.