Indeed. In oblivion you had a store that specialized in shields or weapons. A clothing shop, a book shop; 10+ civilians houses, houses for all the shop owners, A jewelry shop ect...
In Skyrim you have a general store, alchemy store, and a weapon/armor store.
It really doesn't bother me. Firstly, it is Skyrim, home to the Nords, where as Cyrodill was the heart of the empire, so grandeur was apropos to Oblivion. To be honest, I found it tedious after a few visits to 7 different shops for my needs in Oblivion. But what turned me off most about Oblivion's shops/vendors, is that you could spam as much coin as you wanted, they had unlimited cash to give in return for your goods. Being that I could find/loot better items from the world itself then I could buy from vendors, I typically only went to one store to unload most everything. If I needed it back, I could go back there and that vendor would still have it, even though most items I sold them weren't their specialty. At least in Skyrim, you cannot spam coin endlessly as the vendor only has so much coin to give in trade.
Honestly though, it is a matter of perspective. I won't say that anyone is right or wrong for liking the differences between the two games. I loved Oblivion, but some of it was total over-kill.