Alright, I have lurked this forums for awhile. I have not really felt the need to post, but have enjoyed reading about the many characters and adventures other people have experienced in skyrim. This topic has forced my hand, especially those who claim that the small city size kills immersion and realism. Now let me tell you, Bethesda has hit the nail with the cities and skyrim in general, why you ask. Well I live in northern Alberta, Canada. On average we have six months of winter, our largest community is 50,000 which is 576km away from me roughly a six hour drive. The community I live in has a population of 3,500 and is considered a major hub to many smaller communities that surround us. Many of those communities have populations of less a hundred to around 500-700 hundred, not to mention there are several that are even farther north than us ~ 250-300km away (This is still in my province, the North West Territories are even more remote and removed from civilization with many communities only accessible by plane and during the summer months). As to an early post about why they are not more shops for competition, let me explain to you why there would not be. 100-150 years ago these northern communities had to be self sufficient and were removed from larger urban areas, as travel took several months one way. As such there would be limited resources and trained specialist, although there was money many of these communities used a barter system ie: A farmer needs to have his horse get some new horse shoes put on, since he doesn't have the money to completely pay the blacksmith he pays by giving the blacksmith a bag of potatoes, a chicken, and a half dozen eggs. This way the blacksmith has food, but also helps the farmer by allowing him to continue farming.
The fact is Skyrims environment is so realistic that when I first saw the scenery minus the mountains I could have sworn it was my backyard lol. They nailed what life is like in small communities especially in a medieval fantasy setting, they captured the isolation and self sufficient way of the nord perfectly.Try and remember for RPing sakes that to go to riften would take months for these citizens. For some they would not even have made it. Communities had to be self sufficient or else they wouldn't survive. You wouldn't have more shop owners because the population just isn't there. Think in the wintertime when the passes became snowed-in trade would cease till spring thaw. The cities do not need to be bigger because it would not be realistic at all.
P.S sorry for the wall of text but I thought if I explained where I lived it might help my case
