Let me tell you about this i was on my xbox 360 yesterday and this happened, i was shocked plus surprised to see this. This happen so weird but before the storm quest repeated as soon as i got done with the dragon stone quest, the jarl was sitting on the throne and his guard came walking up asking me my business here in whiterun, i thought it was so weird that this doubled repeated it self and i had the dragonstone in my inventory for the quest came back with the dragonstone and the women guard came and asked about the same thing she said the first time i came, then i walked over with jarl to meet the court wizard and the jarl disappeared. Has anyone ever had this happen to them, because i was really shocked tosee a quest i already completed repeat itself again when i was on the dragonstone quest. Also the quest for the dragonstone was not there. I wondered if it was a little weird to see a quest gone, still turned in the stone and then the jarl appears upstairs next to the map desk for the war.