Actually, my first look I kinda agreed. The first water I seen was the waterfall, and it looks kind of... bland? Not sure what word to use. But then again, what game does have good waterfalls? I don't know of any. And in one of the pics with a Skeleton/Zombie warrior, you can see a pool of water in the cave, and it looks awesome. So the white water, could use some work imo, but I won't complain. The still water looks awesome. I'm actually awed by how amazing the graphics were. imo, comparable to Gears Of War, and the fact its on a
massive scale, means its that much better

Definition of Whitewater:
Whitewater is WHITE, or mostly so, and cannot be seen through.
Yeah, I'll agree there, but the problem I'm seeing is that in Skyrim, it didn't really move too hostile. The water. I kind of imagine it moving a bit faster, and it just flows in a straight path, it doesnt collide against the rocks on the side at a curve or anything. But however, like I said, show me a game that does

it is a game people.