» Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:48 am
I actually have, I use three types of weapons which are two handed melee, one handed melee, and an unarmed weapon.
It's actually a lot of fun but make sure you put points into toughness, moving target, AP related perks, and in Blitz.
Right now I don't have the grognak axe or clothes until later on so that I don't get tired of using it quickly.
I started with a bladed cue pole which pretty much looks like a spear, I had a spiked lead pipe as a mace, and modded knuckles as weapons.
I upgraded my two handed melee to modded board and baseball bat as my 'warclub'. Next weapons are going to be sledge hammer then grognaks axe, late game I'll move on to super sledge.
For one handed melee I upgraded to modded pipe wrench as a 'heavy mace' and I'm planning of using the machete, maybe the saber, chinese sword, and shiskabob as late game options.
Finally for unarmed weapons I'll be going for power fist and deathclaw gauntlet all of which will have 'medieval' or 'fantasy' style names to them. One thing i forgot to mention is that I'm using Raider Leathers as my 'barbarian' looking base armor for now. I'm playing on survival so I am using armor on every part of the body except the head, on my torso I have Studded leather though to not cover the chest. All in all I would recommend for you guys to give it a try!