where is it? lol
no money to design one?
I think nomad killed it in crysis 1. If you think about it the ceph were stronger in crysis 1. The ceph in crysis 2 are the cephs version of the national guard , where in the first game you got to fight there real army
Crysis 1 ended with a fight happening on the flight deck against an alien ship. That was not the "big boss" though, coz he said:
"Now we know how to beat them, we need to keep fighting".
The TAC canon was used after the shields were taken down.
Crysis Warhead ended with a war against the giant walker on the airfield. A PAX Canon was used, and the ended flying away with a container holding an Alien that did not explode when "killed".
So basically, if we learned anything, is that Crysis 1 we knew how to beat them and we went back to the Island after receiving a signal from Prophet. During Warhead gameplay, you hear Prophet broadcasting, saying that he will freeze to death if he does not get out of the ice. But game ends taking that alien container.
So we know how to beat them and having that alien container means, that we know about their technology.
Yet Crysis 2 mentions nothing about both, Phsyco and Nomad are still alive according to Crysis 1 and Warhead, as well as Helena (the archaeologist). Prophet is suddenly in NY and we are fighting the ceph and some flash backs about the Ling Shan islands.
The TAC canon and the PAX were used, none are available in Crysis 2 nor any improved versions or similar weapons to them.
You and only you sir have made me realise what a fail this game is, this is not crysis, this is nano suit 101 for console kids. Story not relevant