Did you know? Patch 1.2 blocks modding possibilities

Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:57 am

This does NOT blocks modding , as it is blocked until CryTek release modding tools such as an SDK or SandBox.

If CryTek wants to prevent people from changing things, they should make something that would check the size of the main files of the game when launched and add something to dedicated servers so the servers would compare your main files size with the ones it has. This truly would be a possible way to stop hackers. Too bad CryTek can't think.
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:11 am

Just spitballing here, but what's wrong with having an overriding locked set of whatevers for MP, to stop people muddling around with them, and a set for SP, which you can do whatever with, so we can have our shiny fun with SP (as much as is possible) and not get totally screwed over by some jerk who can't take losing.

P.S. I'm dead sure the file checker thing has been used since the dawn of time, I remember getting it in Freespace 2 (1998?) after looking at the MP after modding the game a bit...
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:10 am

Hmm, is it possible to take a PAK file, unpack it, edit the files, repack it, and save over the old one with the same name?
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:53 pm

not anymore thats what was changed.
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:58 am

Aw poop.

I wanted to start on a texture mod.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:24 am

Aw poop.

I wanted to start on a texture mod.

A lot of people wanted to do a lot of things. Crytek/EA decided they wanted to wear the dike hat and close up modding for no reason.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:50 pm

i just dont understand the point of cheating ... games are made for fun , cheating is made for morons that ruin other people's fun , i will never understand that....
You just explained it yourself now did you?
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:15 am

All I know is, they better release DX11 support and editor soon or everyone who cares now, won't and will just stop playing the game all together.

The longer it takes them, the closer Skyrim gets and I will kiss this piss poor excuse for a "PC" game goodbye for a game developer that actually embraces the PC community.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:37 pm

Why can't they be like Bioware. They're handing free copies of ME2 out to those who have DA2: http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/04/06/dragon-age-2-in-your-games-library-download-mass-effect-2-for-free/
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:55 am

Did you know? That the OP doesn't understand what sv_pure is. You can still mod the game. The server will just enforce PAK files. if the server has the modified PAK files, it will allow users with the same PAK files in. We know FOR A FACT that the game will be getting mod tools. The engine is going Open Source like Unreal Engine did with the UDK in a few months.

Why can't they be like Bioware. They're handing free copies of ME2 out to those who have DA2: http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/04/06/dragon-age-2-in-your-games-library-download-mass-effect-2-for-free/

Dragon Age 2 is infinitely worse than Crysis 2. And from what I heard, the ME2 they give you does not come with Cerberus. You have to buy that seperately for $10 before you can buy any other DLC.
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:49 am

You people want to point the finger at someone point it at the people that were modding the .PAK files and cheating in multiplayer. I am not saying that Crytek is innocent here for not implementing something before this got so out of control but good god people chill for a second and think. You guys are misdirecting your rage somewhat, yes Crytek is in damage control mode but what put them there, a combination of not thinking of PC gamers and all the jackasses that hack games so they win. Its not just Crytek you need to be raging at, and all the securom, locking of game files and every other attempt to stop people form online douchebaggery is the direct result of people cheating to win or grief. These people cost the company a lot of money, you want DX11 and mod tools so bad but Crytek has to redirect a lot of effort to stopping jackassery the longer it continues the longer you wait. They have to save what customers they have so they have a game to implement DX11 and mod tools into otherwise wtf is the point. Crytek is not innocent here and hacks for FPS's have been out long enough that they should have known better than to throw this crap out on a PC and hope for the best, but they are not the only ones to blame.
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:15 pm

Fair point about cerberus, didn't know about that. It was more of an example, wasn't sure of the exact details. Sure is better than what occasionally felt like a not-quite-finished game... <= I point at the section where you can shoot aliens with a gun that doesn't exist... hope they fixed that. Heck, I could've fixed that in the original sandbox...
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:35 am

You people want to point the finger at someone point it at the people that were modding the .PAK files and cheating in multiplayer. I am not saying that Crytek is innocent here for not implementing something before this got so out of control but good god people chill for a second and think. You guys are misdirecting your rage somewhat, yes Crytek is in damage control mode but what put them there, a combination of not thinking of PC gamers and all the jackasses that hack games so they win. Its not just Crytek you need to be raging at, and all the securom, locking of game files and every other attempt to stop people form online douchebaggery is the direct result of people cheating to win or grief. These people cost the company a lot of money, you want DX11 and mod tools so bad but Crytek has to redirect a lot of effort to stopping jackassery the longer it continues the longer you wait. They have to save what customers they have so they have a game to implement DX11 and mod tools into otherwise wtf is the point. Crytek is not innocent here and hacks for FPS's have been out long enough that they should have known better than to throw this crap out on a PC and hope for the best, but they are not the only ones to blame.

i have to say youve got it wrong on this one,in my personal opinion. all the blame can be placed on EA/Crytek/freeradical due to poor business sense due to money bags in their eyes.

if they implimented some sort of anti cheat method i,e punk buster or gamespy like the first in which they already had the tools to do so since crysis1/warhead they wouldnt have to do this.

also how are they working on the mod tool as it was already in the beta i know i know, it wasnt in the perfect state but its there.

in terms of DX11 isnt it the case most the files where there in the beta, it just needed to be activated, i dont know, im just speculating there.

if you watch all crysistv channels that gamesas so rightly put up you'll find that Cevat said they had 3 teams working on each platform so the xbox360 seems to be doing well and the ps3 is patched, is this the case that the pc team are a waste of money and costing the company more for releasing a sloppy game compared to the others so shouldnt they be blamned and not the cheaters.

you'll find most people including myself want to mod the .PAK files to actually have C2 looking as it should be i mean you only need to look on youtube to see the mods already out there and how already the mods make it look leaps ahead of the consoles, have you ever though its not the cheaters but Crytek that think modders shouldnt be touching it, i mean they want all 3 to look exactly the same so people buy the console version for the extra cash.

pointy hat time maybe all the stupidy with the pc version is just to get the middle of the road people to buy the console version compared to the pc, this kind of marketing/move is not unknown to games industry.

i cant remember which game it was but a game was leaked out afew years ago and they blamed pirates and such but later it was found the company leaked it just so it would damage the pc rep and sell more on consoles
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:25 am

We know FOR A FACT that the game will be getting mod tools. The engine is going Open Source like Unreal Engine did with the UDK in a few months.

Do you? were is the source? so far the only 'certain' (dx11 was also a certain lol) is what you say on the second sentence, but there is no were saying that the engine will come with ability to mod crysis 2
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:46 am

it blocks hacks. so its ok.

it doesnt do **** there are still hackers running around
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:15 pm

Glad I haven't started the game for a few days then.

Still got 1.1 here,not bothered for MP anyway
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Helen Quill
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:52 pm

The cryengine 3 editor is out in the summer, so i'm sure the mods will be made then. But if this is cryteks way of reducing the number of hacks, it'll do for now.
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:34 pm

With making the PAK-Files readonly they ensured that this files cannot be modded. No modded files equal no cheaters with this particular files...

So im certainly fine with it!

This shows that you don't know anything about PAK files. They can still be openend. They can have files removed and inserted at will. So... it can still be modded. Putting the files into a PAK file does NOTHING for protecting the game.

It's a weak effort on Crytek's part. They don't give a crap... they have our money.
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:22 am

It blocks modding possibilities? err not really. For NOW, simple mods like replacing Crysis 1 textures with Crysis 2 CAN NOT be done. But this block helps to stop hackers (i've seen a significant drop in them). It's for the better, and Crytek SUPPORTS modding considering there is a official modding site, crymod >_> Lol, and plus, for Crysis 1, there were texture mods and .pak mods where you just place it with the OTHER .pak files and the mod worked or something like that.

So modding is still possible. Wait for the SE3 in summer (i think crytek put off the Sandbox Editor 3 because UDK is what they want to compete against and that just got a HUGE update).
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 6:13 am

so if I wanted to could I download the thing that lets you turn off like motion blur or will that not work any more?
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:27 am

It blocks modding possibilities? err not really. For NOW, simple mods like replacing Crysis 1 textures with Crysis 2 CAN NOT be done. But this block helps to stop hackers (i've seen a significant drop in them). It's for the better, and Crytek SUPPORTS modding considering there is a official modding site, crymod >_> Lol, and plus, for Crysis 1, there were texture mods and .pak mods where you just place it with the OTHER .pak files and the mod worked or something like that.

So modding is still possible. Wait for the SE3 in summer (i think crytek put off the Sandbox Editor 3 because UDK is what they want to compete against and that just got a HUGE update).

Hmm. I guess it probably prevents hacking. But why can't they tell us that? If they told us that it would end the complaints. If they're not going to give us full modding at least enable the unrestricted console in singleplayer. It's really stupid that they locked it and I can't think of a SINGLE reason why they would do that.
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:22 am

this is most stupid and cheapest and absoulutely uneffective way to stop cheaters - they still use memory hacks - Crysis 1 was 100% modable unlocked and and so on, and there was not so many cheaters around. Why? Because Crysis 1 had proper anticheat middleware - PunkBuster.

Current "anticheat' is just number of locks for cvars (and what is most stupid - non gameplay related cvars) and game files, its not anticheat, its antimod, but it do no help against cheating((
So they better should ensure in MP that all gameplay CVARS are defaults, instead of locking files.
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:37 am

this is most stupid and cheapest and absoulutely uneffective way to stop cheaters - they still use memory hacks - Crysis 1 was 100% modable unlocked and and so on, and there was not so many cheaters around. Why? Because Crysis 1 had proper anticheat middleware - PunkBuster.

Current "anticheat' is just number of locks for cvars (and what is most stupid - non gameplay related cvars) and game files, its not anticheat, its antimod, but it do no help against cheating((
So they better should ensure in MP that all gameplay CVARS are defaults, instead of locking files.

Yeah they really **** up with this. Why don't they use punkbuster? If they keep supporting it then the game will be cheater-free.

If they "take cheating very seriously here at Crytek" then they would get punkbuster.
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:50 pm

this is most stupid and cheapest and absoulutely uneffective way to stop cheaters - they still use memory hacks - Crysis 1 was 100% modable unlocked and and so on, and there was not so many cheaters around. Why? Because Crysis 1 had proper anticheat middleware - PunkBuster.

Current "anticheat' is just number of locks for cvars (and what is most stupid - non gameplay related cvars) and game files, its not anticheat, its antimod, but it do no help against cheating((
So they better should ensure in MP that all gameplay CVARS are defaults, instead of locking files.

Yeah they really **** up with this. Why don't they use punkbuster? If they keep supporting it then the game will be cheater-free.

If they "take cheating very seriously here at Crytek" then they would get punkbuster.

Because it might as well be using punk buster right now. Punkbuster has never worked in the 10+ years of its existence.
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Post » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:01 pm

Yes i know as i started that topic @ Crym0d and indeed there's no word on cvar changes and reading from the pak files only. Unpacking pak files can be useful from a players point of view as well as it take s away allot of the "streaming" / specific ram usage for pak and caching files and such as all the files will be read from the HDD only and can be then loaded into the ram normally without all the swapping cvars from crysis 2 itself being used. They are limiting us in that way as well even if we didn't intend to mod the game but simply wanting to gain a smoother game some extra fps.

The funny thing is the PS3 version of the game isn't that limited hell they can even load Crysis 1 maps into the PS3 now. Again a big FU! in the face of us PC gamers from CryTek that is abandoning the player-base and community that made them the company they are today or at least were some time ago (pre crysis 2 launch)
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