» Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:35 am
You people want to point the finger at someone point it at the people that were modding the .PAK files and cheating in multiplayer. I am not saying that Crytek is innocent here for not implementing something before this got so out of control but good god people chill for a second and think. You guys are misdirecting your rage somewhat, yes Crytek is in damage control mode but what put them there, a combination of not thinking of PC gamers and all the jackasses that hack games so they win. Its not just Crytek you need to be raging at, and all the securom, locking of game files and every other attempt to stop people form online douchebaggery is the direct result of people cheating to win or grief. These people cost the company a lot of money, you want DX11 and mod tools so bad but Crytek has to redirect a lot of effort to stopping jackassery the longer it continues the longer you wait. They have to save what customers they have so they have a game to implement DX11 and mod tools into otherwise wtf is the point. Crytek is not innocent here and hacks for FPS's have been out long enough that they should have known better than to throw this crap out on a PC and hope for the best, but they are not the only ones to blame.
i have to say youve got it wrong on this one,in my personal opinion. all the blame can be placed on EA/Crytek/freeradical due to poor business sense due to money bags in their eyes.
if they implimented some sort of anti cheat method i,e punk buster or gamespy like the first in which they already had the tools to do so since crysis1/warhead they wouldnt have to do this.
also how are they working on the mod tool as it was already in the beta i know i know, it wasnt in the perfect state but its there.
in terms of DX11 isnt it the case most the files where there in the beta, it just needed to be activated, i dont know, im just speculating there.
if you watch all crysistv channels that gamesas so rightly put up you'll find that Cevat said they had 3 teams working on each platform so the xbox360 seems to be doing well and the ps3 is patched, is this the case that the pc team are a waste of money and costing the company more for releasing a sloppy game compared to the others so shouldnt they be blamned and not the cheaters.
you'll find most people including myself want to mod the .PAK files to actually have C2 looking as it should be i mean you only need to look on youtube to see the mods already out there and how already the mods make it look leaps ahead of the consoles, have you ever though its not the cheaters but Crytek that think modders shouldnt be touching it, i mean they want all 3 to look exactly the same so people buy the console version for the extra cash.
pointy hat time maybe all the stupidy with the pc version is just to get the middle of the road people to buy the console version compared to the pc, this kind of marketing/move is not unknown to games industry.
i cant remember which game it was but a game was leaked out afew years ago and they blamed pirates and such but later it was found the company leaked it just so it would damage the pc rep and sell more on consoles