» Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:33 am
I love what a lot of people are sayin,
Wait for this wait for that, as in, oh look the beta leak is out, people said oh but the final release will be better, then the demo was out and people said again wait for release and it would be better, then they said oh wait for patches then it will be better.
See where I'm goin with this, all the people who are saying wait as somethin better will be done by crytek are being proved wrong time and time again.
The only way I can see about modding is what I did on crysis 1, have 2 game directories.
I installed crysis then copied the crysis install folder to another one called vanilla, mods installed in the original directory and vanilla used for mp and both work fine so I'll prob do this as I'll prob mess around with the files to get the mods working