» Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:31 pm
Did you know that if you "grab" a follower like picking up an object (press and hold the activate key), you can command them to do just about anything? From waiting in a specific spot, sitting in a seat, killing a person, or even looting a chest.
Did you know that the landmasses of Morrowind and Cryodiil from TES III and IV are built into Skyrim? If you disable the borders (or use TCL) you can explore beyond Skyrim into a completely non-detailed version of every other province on the continent. The Test Chamber is directly under the spot where the White Gold Tower would be in Cyrodiil.
Did you know that dragons will only spawn after you've defeated the first dragon outside of Whiterun at the beginning of the MQ? Similar to how Oblivion gates only appeared after closing the first one in Kvatch.
Did you know you can reverse pickpocket anything, even if it has weight?
Did you know you can use the Whirlwind Rush shout to reach places you normally wouldn't be able to?