» Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:11 pm
Did you know that while sneaking, if you shoot an arrow at a wall, the nearby enemies will approach the area that your arrow hit?
Did you know that as a werewolf, you are unable to become a vampire?
Did you know that you can gather all the crops on various farms and sell them to farmers for gold?
Did you know that you can easily increase your smithing skill by making iron daggers, because they are the cheapest to make and everything you make gives you the same amount of experience?
Did you know that Maiq the Liar is back, but so far no pattern as to where to find him has been found?
Did you know that despite dragon armor requiring 100 smithing to make, daedric is actually the strongest type of armor and weapons?
Did you know that the max level is 81, which requires all skills to be at 100, and that this brings your total number of perks to 80?
Did you know that sleeping in a bed gives you 5% extra experience for 8 hours, while sleeping on one that you paid for like at a tavern grants 10% extra?
Did you know that you can't get that bonus if you are a werewolf?
Did you know that if you press the attack button while blocking with a shield you perform a shield bash, and that this is what is affected by the various perks in block?