» Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:53 pm
Did you know that you can join College of Winterhold by shouting instead of casting a spell they want you to?
Did you know that if you equip spells in both hands and then sheathe/unsheathe them quickly you will move much faster when sneaking?
Did you know that daggers' damage is not increased by any sort of Fortify One-Handed enchantment, spell or potion? And that Dual Flurry doesn't work with dual daggers?
Did you know that attack speed when dual wielding is based solely on the attack speed of weapon in your left hand?
Did you know that if you're high enough level the dragon that attacks Western Tower of Whiterun can spawn as a frost dragon despite the fact that the tower is burning and there are charred bodies scatered about?
Did you know that Flames is the most economic Destruction spell, dealing most damage for least Magicka? And that it can hit several enemies in a line, or when they're close to each other, and even around corners and over obstacles when only tip of their head is visible and they can't retaliate?
Did you know that lockpicking something you already lockpicked before won't give you any experience?
Did you know that dragons actually sleep at night and you can sneak past/to and even backstab them in their lairs?
Did you know that the speed/walk toggle button will allow you to sneak up to just about anybody at any sneak skill level? Very, very slowly?
Did you know that, just like in almost all TES games, Altmer are the best race?
Did you know that only good elf is a dead elf?