This is one of the most interesting and informative threads I've ever read. Keep it coming, guys :hugs:
Did you know that you can tell Followers to open locked doors for you if they have a lockpick in their inventory?
Do they break? And are companions sometimes incapable of opening locks, like if they lack the skill?
Did you know, they don't even have to have a lockpick in their inventory. Their skill just needs to be high enough for said lock.

(Unless Faendal had one on him and I did not realize it) - Edit* Yep, just tested it. I had Brelyna Maryon open a chest for me and she had no lockpicks in her inventory.
Did you know, you can grab an item, move it to a hidden place, then steal it without anyone being the wiser?
Did you know, even though there is not a skill for it anymore, hand to hand can be one of the most effective combat options with a high Smithing skill and the Heavy Armor perk that adds gauntlet armor rating to unarmed damage?
Did you know, if you tell a follower to wait then forget where you left them, they will return to their home after three days?
Did you know, under combat in the general stats menu, the game keeps track of "Bunnies Slaughtered" ?