Did you use enchanted weapons in Oblivion?

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:35 am

You never had a problem soultrapping and recharging every 10 seconds? It's not confusing. It's boring.

I never had to soultrap and recharge "every 10 seconds."

After killing an opponent with the enchanted weapon (which is what I would be doing anyway), I press the "1" key (the hotkey for Azura's Star), click the weapon, done. I don't even think about it.

Sure - it's a bit tedious, but it's not really that big a deal. And it does appear to be confusing to many, since in spite of the fact that that's the obvious way to do it, almost nobody on the thread has even mentioned it - instead, everyone's complaining about not being able to find enough soul gems or varla stones or having to cast soul trap separately or having to carry an extra weapon or being stuck with a weapon without a charge. I can only assume that those who are complaining about those things couldn't manage to figure out the simple mechanic of a custom enchantment with a 1 second soul trap and Azura's Star on a hotkey.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:05 am

Hahah.. That would have been the smart thing to do..
I usually made several copies of the same enchanted sword, used them up one at a time, then used my varla stone to recharge them all at once to conserve Varla Stones. Seems like varla hunting chewed up way too much of my time.

Yeah, the recharge mechanic seems pretty stupid to anyone that played Morrowind.
The irritating "Weapon out of charges" popup and that annoying magic fizzle sound all the time was hardly a symptom of a system that was "working well".
The oblivion system seems very player-hostile.

I felt right at home with Azura's Star being present in Oblivion. Although to be honest, I never used much enchanted weapons in Morrowind, simply because I used the magic schools instead. But with my limited time with it, Oblivion's system didn't really feel exponentially worse like some of you guys will claim. They both had Azura's Star and they both allowed for custom enchantments. Just carry a quantity of cost efficient, powerfully enchanted weapons, and use Azura's Star once you deplete all of them. If you're doing this, then you're not recharging every 10 seconds. No way, no how.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:35 pm

I might be only one here, but I liked how recharging worked in TES4
It gave some purpose to petty/small/common soulgems, in contrast to TES3 where I simply sold them all
But there was few things that bothered me
1) Low amount of charges (even for enchantments using grand/black soulgems)
2) Absence of epic souls (ones that can be trapped ONLY with Azura's star and used for extremely powerful enchants)
3) Inability to create weapon that is weaker, but recharges directly from kill
4)inability to create weapon that recharges over time, but is much weaker
4) Inability to partially recharge item at a cost of magicka/health/fatigue
(when in one hand it recharge item to 50% at a cost of 75% of magicka
when in both hands it recharges all inventory items to 20%, but costs 100% magicka, 50% fatigue and 25% health)

So if you want more powerful item, than you should get stacks of soulgems (and use some specific weapon- for example SoulReaver dagger I enchanted and used in both TES3 and TES4)
Want weapon that recharges directly from kill, then you get weaker item
Want weapon that recharges over time? Then you will get the weakest items
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James Smart
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:52 am

I'd use them as I came across them if they were better than what I had, but as soon as the charge was gone I'd sell them or store them if they were a cool artifact. The recharging system was so lame I just never really got in to enchanted weapons.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:07 am

I'd use them as I came across them if they were better than what I had, but as soon as the charge was gone I'd sell them or store them if they were a cool artifact. The recharging system was so lame I just never really got in to enchanted weapons.

then you would like a perk like this right?

"soul reaper:

when a weapon is enchanted with a soul gem it acquires the power of the enchantment and when depleted of charges that enchanted weapon becomes a soul trap weapon that recharges bit by bit with each kill, when the charges are full again the weapon becomes enchanted once more. "
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Jason King
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:59 am

then you would like a perk like this right?

"soul reaper:

when a weapon is enchanted with a soul gem it acquires the power of the enchantment and when depleted of charges that enchanted weapon becomes a soul trap weapon that recharges bit by bit with each kill, when the charges are full again the weapon becomes enchanted once more. "

Yeah I saw that earlier and in a different thread. I think it is a good idea for a perk. I am not sue if it places to much of a emphasis on taking the enchanting skill though. As long as the need is in the same range as needing to take the blacksmithing skill to keep your gear going it will be fine.
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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:05 am

i sued them quite a bit and early on in the game you bet i was out of charge alot, later in the game i used them more and had soul gems and vala stones on me quite often.... i do think though that maybe the charges should last a little longer. when it takes that many hits to kill something you dont really get to kill alot of things before you have to recharge... and i think some relic swords should have eternal charge.. o rmaybe have a couple weapons hard to find in game(or expensive) that has a soul gem inlayed somewhere that has soul trap on it, then either the sword has powers already or you could enchant it yourself... how cool would that be.
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Anna S
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:18 am

Just so you know, I'm a TES console really devoted fan, but...I didn't like the enchantment re-charging system in Oblivion. Found it tedious. What's this, a really devoted fan posted a negative comment? For shame :P JOKES! JOKES! JOKES! Don't get all crazy on me, I'm not posting this as flame bait, just a sarcastic comment in the spirit of humour. :D They've brought back soul gems again in Skyrim, but I'm interested to see if they've change the enchantment recharging system. We'll see.

Will still love the crap out of this game come 11.11.11

EDIT: LOL, my [FAN] - [BUOY] text got auto-edited to "really devoted fan" haha
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:59 am

I used Chillrend, Shadowrend and my own custom Daedric dagger that absorbed health pretty much exclusively. I didn't mind having to recharge them a lot, because I had Soul Trap as one of my hotkeyed spells, and I've also learned from these forums that you can hotkey Azura's Star as well, which would allow you to recharge your magic items very quickly. I mostly just conjured up Daedroths to feed to my enchanted weapons, though, when I ran them completely bone dry.. didn't bother me at all
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Chris Jones
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:36 am

I feel like some artifact weapons shouldn't lose their charge.

right I mean it's a deadric artifact it should be powerful.at least make the wabbajack unlimited it doesn't really directly kill anything anyway.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:58 pm

Maybe it's because I only used sigil stones to enchant with but I never had a problem with any enchanted weapon quickly running out, the charges would usually last around 60 strikes. Plus even when it did run out I just carried a few soul gems with me to recharge, I can remember having to do pretty much the same thing with around the same amount of strikes in Morrowind.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:14 am

I found magic weapons irritating because I never used mysticism on my characters and without soul trap they are pretty much worthless. I guess I could just carry around a bunch of enchanted weapons, but that would kill immersion for me. So my characters that would benefit the most from enchanted weapons never had them.... great game design. Soul gems should have automatically soaked up souls without having to cast a specific spell and they should have been reusable to fit with enchanting not being a skill. That would have been a MUCH MUCH MUCH better mechanic. As they were, I found them to be too annoying to bother with.
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:35 am

Only thing I didn't like about enchanted weapons in Oblivion is that you weren't able to repair them sooner. Oblivion's armor apprentice skill perk should have been being able to repair enchanted gear and the journeyman skill perk could have been to make the repair hammers last longer.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:59 am

I used enchanted weapons, but I did not care for the enchantment much. Naming my weapon and having it affect uncorporal creatures was the main reason I used it.
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