I remember there was a topic on the ES General forums a while back debating on what province the next ES game was going to be set in. Quite a few people wanted the game to be set in Summerset Isles, if I remember correctly, because of the Oblivion rumors about said province.
But now the game has been announced, and a lot of people probably haven't given this much thought. Would you had rather the game taken place in one of the other provinces?
No, I was hoping for Summerestset Isles because then I thought the place could bring back some of that more exotic Morrowind flavor.
On the other hand I almost always play Nords in TES(only once did I play another race, that was a Khajit) and snow environments are my fav land type. The Bruma area was my fav place in Oblivion and Solsthiem is my fav place in all of TES games (the atmosphere was so awesome in Solsthiem). I did not think about this during the long wait for the announcement of TESV had I done so I might have realized that Skyrim may indeed be the best I could hope for and now have gotten.
So I am very pleased with what we got, even though it was not my original pick.