I didn't want to put a spoiler in the title...
To continue the thread of things I never knew or as I put it: I didn't know...
Mead with Juniper Berries was found in Helgen and a replier said she thought juniper berries were more common in the Reach, rather than near Helgen. As to why this Mead would be found there instead of the Reach: maybe it makes it even extra special to be found in a region where it is would not be expected, and desired more in Skyrim. Also, mayber there's a place in the Reach that brews it or hasn't been found yet; or could be a good user mod quest if you have a computer version of the game. I play on the PS3 so I doubt anything would be that extra special on my version of the game. However, I wouldn't put it past Bethesda to add such an extra touch.
I only found 5 in the afore-mentioned location in previous thread, I was hoping for a six-pack!