Morrowind was the best in my Opinion. Skyrim is the most Flexible. Oblivion had a good Story line
Morrowind is primitive, Skyrim has a few Game play issues, Oblivion was completely copy and pasted.
I like them all
#1- Morrowind
#2- Skyrim
#3- Oblivion
I want to try Daggerfall but I'm thinking that's my limit on graphics svcking (on an RPG)
I can understand not liking Oblivion... but Morrowind? eh...
As far as pure role playing where your choices have effects on the plot states, Daggerfall makes them all pale in comparison, even if combined. If you can handle old graphics, the game is huge, it is like 1000 times bigger than Oblivion is area. I loved Morrowind better for role playing, spell-crafting etc than Oblivion, but I loved Oblivion's world much better and modding that game was fun. Skyrim, while better looking and also better with the story than Oblivion (Oblivion was weak and not detailed), IMO, it isn't as beautiful overall as Oblivion, but they are two different environments. Overall looks are better in Skyrim from any distance, especially the mountains, the mountains in Oblvion from a distance looked awful. Skyrim has more lo-res textures, easily noticed in the small items, like plants, etc.
#1. Daggerfall
#2. Morrowind (tie)
#2. Skyrim (tie)
#4. Oblivion.