» Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:29 pm
Can't help myself
Hate Morrowind!?!
Yeah it may not have the best graphics but come on it was made in what 2002? Do you really expect Skyrim or even oblivion graphics which are games made at a much later time.
Personally, I bet if they remade Morrowind, but gave it Skyrim graphics everyone here would more then likely change there mind. Oh man you don't have a compass to til you exactly what to do, how is that fun, its like having your mom hold your hand when you cross the road. Where is your adventure? Where is curiosity? Where is the your mind numbing feeling when you cant find some stupid book?
One of the reason I still probably play Morrowind over any other game is because it was made for hard core role payers not the lowest level gamer. Games now a days are made for EVERYONE, which isn't a bad thing, but to us hardcoe role player types they are just boring, the games tell us exactly what to do and when to do it, there is almost no though process, if a Monkey could read they could beat them! How is that fun. I loved Morrowind because I did get lost, for HOURS trying to find out who I was supposed to get this note from! Its what made the game amazing!!!
My games in order
1.) Morrowind hands down!
2.) Daggerfall!
3.) Skyrim (They still have that god forsaken compass, but mods fix that, and it added some puzzles that stumped me once or twice.)
4.) Oblivion