Didn't like Morrowind and Oblivion, but Skyrim ROCKS!

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:33 pm

Wtf are you talking about? Some of us actually enjoyed those skills. Your dumb logic is the reason why they cut them.

Gasp, people have different opinions. How dare they. Some people didn't like Morrowind and some did, that doesn't mean either are right or wrong we just prefer different things.

For example I thought acrobatics and athletics were superfluous and made the skill system bloated, I should be able to get around without having to skill it imho.

That's a very good point about the writing part.

And I didn't like how Morrowind didn't have dialogue but just had you clicking on keywords. Skyrim's dialogue could still use more depth to it, would be nice if companions actually had character and things to talk about...
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:33 pm

I Loved morrowind<3 Liked oblivion,but i got a little bit dissapointed.didnt like that more medievel world.And other stuff.
i love skyrim almost as much as i love morrowind<3
It feels like coming home when i play skyrim,like i belong there
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:32 pm

Gasp, people have different opinions. How dare they. Some people didn't like Morrowind and some did, that doesn't mean either are right or wrong we just prefer different things.

For example I thought acrobatics and athletics were superfluous and made the skill system bloated, I should be able to get around without having to skill it imho.

And I didn't like how Morrowind didn't have dialogue but just had you clicking on keywords. Skyrim's dialogue could still use more depth to it, would be nice if companions actually had character and things to talk about...

Morrowind had more info in the dialogue
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:40 am

I don't understand why everyone has a problem with the combat in Morrowind, sure it was visually awkward but that was because it was determined by your skills. The way combat should be in an RPG.


Because when i hit someone i want to hit it, not that one attack causes 10 damage and the other 20 damage and another 0... Thats maybe a rpg element, but i dont like it.
Im a actiongamer thats why i think i like Skyrim more and didnt like Mwind or Obbion.

And it has nothing to do with the graphics, i tought they were just fine. Its also a few years old, so nobodys blaming the graphics
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:13 am

Just wait for the Skyrim Overhaul Mod + Monster Mod. RPG heaven.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:43 am

I liked and still love Morrowind. I haven't played Oblivion fully yet. Skyrim is getting my love too.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:27 am

Morrinwind will always be my favourite. Nothing beats Vivec.#

Skyrim is awesome too. But a bit boring, took me one 20 pack of cigarettes to beat the main quest. Morrowind was at least, 5 packs.

Oblivion. Meh.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:29 pm

Can't help myself

Hate Morrowind!?!

Yeah it may not have the best graphics but come on it was made in what 2002? Do you really expect Skyrim or even oblivion graphics which are games made at a much later time.

Personally, I bet if they remade Morrowind, but gave it Skyrim graphics everyone here would more then likely change there mind. Oh man you don't have a compass to til you exactly what to do, how is that fun, its like having your mom hold your hand when you cross the road. Where is your adventure? Where is curiosity? Where is the your mind numbing feeling when you cant find some stupid book?

One of the reason I still probably play Morrowind over any other game is because it was made for hard core role payers not the lowest level gamer. Games now a days are made for EVERYONE, which isn't a bad thing, but to us hardcoe role player types they are just boring, the games tell us exactly what to do and when to do it, there is almost no though process, if a Monkey could read they could beat them! How is that fun. I loved Morrowind because I did get lost, for HOURS trying to find out who I was supposed to get this note from! Its what made the game amazing!!!

My games in order

1.) Morrowind hands down!
2.) Daggerfall!
3.) Skyrim (They still have that god forsaken compass, but mods fix that, and it added some puzzles that stumped me once or twice.)
4.) Oblivion
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helen buchan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:44 am

I don't understand why everyone has a problem with the combat in Morrowind, sure it was visually awkward but that was because it was determined by your skills. The way combat should be in an RPG.


that's the way it should work in turn based RPG's
in action rpg's like this (which it is due to being real time and first person) it just feels akward and out of place IMO
skill should determine your damage or how fast you can hit not the chance of hitting something, especially when there's no visual difference in hitting something or not hitting something
there was literally no feedback whatsoever
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:58 am

Who thinks that to?

For me Morrowind the combat ruined it, and for Oblivion the combat and stupid main quest.

This is my opinion :toughninja:

One of those people... Dragons! Awesome! Gore! Epic! Explosions go boom! I personally enjoy quality RPG games. I don't need all that to keep me entertained. So no I don't agree. Oblivion and Morrowind forever.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:02 pm

Out of the TES games I've played, it goes


I didn't hate any of them though.

Same here.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:32 pm

All TES games are great. If only they could have plucked the best bits out of all of them and put them into one game then it would have been amazing. As it is...roll on TES 6 :tes:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:36 am

Got ruined? You must have played a different game then. PC players don't really need a compass or directions that hold you by the hand like in the arcade culture.

I may have shared a little of your uppity attitude a couple of years ago, but seeing how Bioware improved on gameplay with the second incarnation of the Mass Effect series by streamlining the design I have come to think differently.
I quit playing Morrowind for the exact same reasons Sawyer listed. I found the levelling system incredibly cheesy, and for a casual player playing but a few hours a week getting dozens of quests simultaneously spread out over the entire region made sure I got disconnected fast. I barely touched Oblivion - just couldn't get past the fustrating Morrowind experience. But I can safely say Skyrim looks like it'll be the first TES game I'll thoroughly enjoy since Daggerfall.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:41 pm

One of those people... Dragons! Awesome! Gore! Epic! Explosions go boom! I personally enjoy quality RPG games. I don't need all that to keep me entertained. So no I don't agree. Oblivion and Morrowind forever.
Well i do need some awesomeness and good action in a game, if not it wil get boring. I dont like doing useless go there get me this quests.. I like to make a skeleton equal to the ground. Im an actiongamer, and there alot of my kind and i think thats why they made Skyrim like it is.

Have to admit it is to easy with the stupid compass, they should have left the option to explore yourself
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:40 am

I was too young to really understand Morrowind when I first tried it. It had a great atmosphere, but the combat just killed it for me.

Oblivion I absolutely loved, although I was able to see all of its flaws quite clearly.

I'm enjoying Skyrim, but I can't help but feel that all of the problems I had with Oblivion are still there. Plus, it created a new issue, which gets more irritating the more I play.

Dialogue. I'm tired of entering a brand new city, looking for adventure...and seeing all the options in conversations are already grayed out. Way too many [important] NPCs share dialogue. The Jarls are a good example of this. Alot of what they say is the same between each of them (most notably when being raised to Thane of a region).

For the inevitable Elder Scrolls VI I want: More interaction with the environment (NPCs still feel too static), spellmaking to make a return, more varied NPCs/dialogue (although some filler NPCs are fine too to make the world seem larger), larger cities, and better quest writing. At one point in Skyrim I had five quests that all involved getting a weapon or piece of armour from a crypt.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:17 pm

Lol, so i guess you're one of those who got lost for hours. I got lost many times In Morrowind and i found myself tracking a different adventure which led me to another adventure in strange lands in which I found myself entangled in their politics, lore and hatred. Never got bored. Nothing beats a journal with a dozen incomplete quest not because you were lost but because you decided to wander. Besides, didn't Tolkien say, "Not all who wander are lost." A map telling me where is the item is for tourists.

But morrowind specifically made this undesirable. I gave up on the game like 20 hours in because I'm somewhat of a completionist but also someone who likes to be drawn from one point to the next. The result in skyrim? A massive quest log and so much to do im excited to see where I end up each night. I might complete 3 quests/objectives in a night and pick up 10 more in the process. I enjoy this.

In morrowind I found myself with a 50 page journal and no idea where to go to even proceed with the main quest. I was overwhelmed and couldn't bring myself to sift through that crap everytime I wanted to do a quest.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:56 pm

Things I liked about Morrowind:
- The land felt huge.
- The VERY Long and somewhat indepth faction quest-lines and how many of them there were.
- Learning lore at every turn. (Mostly from NPCs)
- My Journal.
- Enchanting.
- Finding Artifacts (They were amazing)
- Wandering around Aimlessly only to find a Tomb/Cave/Daedric Ruin with a surprising amount of great loot.
- Leveling up.
- Early game difficulty.
- Transportation.
- The main quest.
- The Expansions.
- Spellmaking.
- Grand Soul Gems (Golden Saints!)
- Werewolves

Things I liked about Oblivion:
- The dark Brotherhood.
- Thieves Guild.
- The Graphics (at the time)
- Gladiator Matches.

Things I like about Skyrim:
- The beginning.
- NPCs (Mostly)
- Randomly Generated quests.
- The Dragons (Could be more fearsome)
- The Graphics (Aside from a few dodgy texture issues)
- The land.
- Level Scaling. (It's worlds above Oblivion's and I'm thankful for just that much)
- Smithing.
- Houses.
- Companions (They need more work but they're not bad)
- Dragon Shouts.
- Exploring. (With the compass turned off)
- Factions (Short but they're better than Oblivion except maybe the Dark Brotherhood)
- Werewolves.
- Horse Carriage.
- Orgnar

Things that Annoy me about Skyrim:
- Journal. (Let me delete quests)
- Horse AI.
- Health/Stamina/Magick.
- No Spellmaking.
- Map.
- Lack of Information from NPCs.
- General lack of "choices" in situations (Such as quests)
- Delphine.

That's pretty much it for me, Skyrim has FAR more Potential than Oblivion to succeed Morrowind, but It'll take time.
(Anything not mentioned in Likes for Oblivion or Skyrim should be considered as things I didn't particularly care for)
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:02 pm

I miss the fact my character had a log and put some of his thoughts in it when doing quests, in Oblivion. Skyrim removed that. Boo.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:52 pm

The only good thing about Morrowind was wandering around but trying to do side quests or main quests were a chore. Both Oblivion and Skyrim are much better than the Morrowind, but they're main quests are still a bit bland and are always about fulfilling some destiny. Their main quests are always the same
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:41 pm

For me it's
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Bitter End
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:06 am

I agree with you, OP. Morrowind and Oblivion felt dull to me. I got bored and frustrated with them quickly and felt no motivation to go out and explore after the main story. The dungeons were awful -- all the same and very repetitive. Bosses were generally not exciting either. Oh and don't even get me started about the dialogue style of Morrowind (click words like an encyclopedia).

Skyrim still has room to improve in many areas, but it's a step up from its predecessors IMO.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:35 pm

i honestly liked all 3 for different reasons, i even liked arena. never played daggerfall so i cant comment on it. arena was just a fun standard rpg along the lines of 'hugo' and other dos based games
morrowind was great for the story and unique world
oblivion, the prettiest game since skyrim, and with tons of options
skyrim awesome world, dragons, better combat and leveling than oblivion

i hope the next installment fixes the crap voice acting, has a better more compelling plot and more RPG elements like spell making and good companions
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:36 pm

, and for a casual player playing but a few hours a week getting dozens of quests simultaneously spread out over the entire region made sure I got disconnected fast.

That's right. Morrowind wasn't for the casual gamer.(even though Beth tried)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:57 pm

Loved them all mainly due to one thing...

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Emily Martell
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:09 am

Congrats, OP, on being a part of Beth's target audience for Skyrim.
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