As a person who didnt know how faction missions worked i missed put on alot of gpod weapons nd story because i thought if i sided with one group id lose the other so i killed the railroad faction without getting ballistic weave nd deliverer that really gorgeous pistol. So Guys at "Bethesda"are you gonna give the players a 2nd chance by adding a patch that lets us replay the story without having to make a new character or revisting a save from when we were like lvl 20 because ive put so many hours in already i really dont want to do over every thing for another 70 hours im sure alot of other players feel this way to
Would go back and reload a save if i hadnt done so much already im like 80 hours in nd no thats not how good games work thats just your preference because your probably satisfied with your out come i am not im pretty sure we all want are main character to have everything nd are sides to have just enough because we dont really play with them