Yep it is possible but people that try to play Fallout New Vegas as a FPS and not a RPG will have little to no chance to figure it out. "What I can't kill that deathclaw with my varmint rifle? Come on I am already at level 2 I should be able to kill anything

" Then they have their hissy fit and say the game isn't open world.
I think this is an oversimplification of the argument. The complaint that it's too linear in the beginning is certainly valid. Yes, it's possible to go north if you know exactly how and where to go, but that's metagaming, and is definitely the "shortcut" and very much a non-canon way of playing the game, if that makes sense. It's like in Fallout 3 , you can make a beeline for Vault 112 right after leaving Vault 101 and skip the quests before Tranquility Lane, but you're not supposed to. If you do do that it gimps the early game experience. In New Vegas you start out in a backwater, take sides in a microcosm of the Mojave conflict (Goodpsrings vs Powder Gangers) then get introduced to the NCR (Primm, Mojave Outpost) and then the Legion (Nipton). Then reaching Vegas is something of a first act climix.
Part of FNV's strength is the great story that comes with it, but the tradeoff is that you get less freedom to craft your own narrative. It's a reasonable tradeoff, imo, but that does make the first ten hours or so of every playthrough roughly the same, unlike the first ten hours of, say, FO3 or Skyrim. And that's fine. Open-endedness is over-rated.