» Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:14 pm
Well, as far as I'm concerned (and more lore I've seen) a knight is just like a noble warrior. Sometimes, depending on the lore of the specific game/story, they may also be more charismatic than your typical warrior. So in Skyrim, for instance, it would make sense to have speech as a somewhat focused skill.
Paladins, on the other hand, are like battle mages, but more on the battle side than the mage side. Generally, you'd only see them using healing or defensive schools of magic (restoration/alteration) and they would otherwise focus entirely on combat. Paladins are also more prone to be pro-religion of some kind, and tend to be pledged to destroying some kind of evil. (generally undead, demons, etc.)
Either one could be more offensive or defensive in combat styles, just based on what they're trying to accomplish or just plain preference. I've probably left some other defining details out, but that's the best I could think of, at the moment.