Differences amongst the Races

Post » Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:50 pm

ORCS: Beserker
REDGUARDS: Adrenaline Rush
WOOD ELF: Resist poison, resisit disease, command animals
NORD: Battlecry
KHAJIIT: Night-eye, claw attacks
IMPERIAL: Voice of the Emperor, find more coins when looting
HIGH ELF: Regenerate Magicka more quickly
DARK ELF: Ancestor’s Wrath (surround self in fire), resist fire
BRETON: Dragonskin (absorb spells), resist shock
ARGONIANS: Histskin (regenerate health quickly), resist disease, breathe underwater

Other than these, what are the differences amongst the races? Or are these the only differences. Skyrim will only have 3 attributes, health, magicka and stamina, so will races start off with these at different levels
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Taylah Illies
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Post » Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:16 pm

Same article you copied and pasted those from...

- FIRST THING I NOTICED WAS THAT RACES HAVE DIFFERENT STATS TO START WITH. The baseline stat seems to be 15, with +5 in some stats and even +10 in others. For example:
- Argonians start with 25 in Lockpicking, 20 in Pickpocketing, Sneak, Light Amour, Restoration, Alteration
- Orcs start with 25 in Heavy Armour, 20 in Enchanting, Smithing (didn't see any more)
- Bosmer start with 20s in most of the thieving skills - Sneak, Alchemy, Pickpocket, Lockpicking - and a 25 in Archery

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daniel royle
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Post » Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:22 pm

So it's basically exactly the same, but without attributes. That's fine by me, it's familiar and it works.
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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:26 am

Same article you copied and pasted those from...

- FIRST THING I NOTICED WAS THAT RACES HAVE DIFFERENT STATS TO START WITH. The baseline stat seems to be 15, with +5 in some stats and even +10 in others. For example:
- Argonians start with 25 in Lockpicking, 20 in Pickpocketing, Sneak, Light Amour, Restoration, Alteration
- Orcs start with 25 in Heavy Armour, 20 in Enchanting, Smithing (didn't see any more)
- Bosmer start with 20s in most of the thieving skills - Sneak, Alchemy, Pickpocket, Lockpicking - and a 25 in Archery


thanks for the info, and i didnt get it from that article you linked btw
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JD bernal
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