I never really played as a Khajiit before. But now that they actually look like badasses and not action figures, I will definitely play as one. I think I couldn't get into them mainly because you couldn't change the color of their fur. I'm hoping this is an option in Skyrim. I prefer an all black khajiit honestly...especially with the new detail in the races. A black Khajiit with blue eyes.
HOLY CENSORED BATMAN!!! A pure white khajiit with evil red eyes...hmmm....that would be quite interesting. Let's hope the character creation has extended to this level.
They should make the "Nordic" Khajiit have brown or white hair, to make it seem like, as they come from Skyrim, that they are different from their own kind elsewhere.
HOLY CENSORED BATMAN!!! A pure white khajiit with evil red eyes...hmmm....that would be quite interesting. Let's hope the character creation has extended to this level.
I don't plan on playing as a Khajiit or an Argonian for that matter, but the more possibilities the better, so I'm all for different fur and eye colors.