Every single alchemy ingredient had a few effects, fx. a bearclaw had damage health 25 points, a 90% chance of giving weakness to disease 75 points for 25-200 sec, and a 50% chance of contracting Brainrot (or another disease), and a bear tongue had restore fatigue 10 points for 10 sec, a 25% chance of giving weakness to disease 45 points for 50-100 sec, restore health 5 points for 2 sec, and a 65% chance of contracting Brainrot (or another disease).
Now would it make sense that someone knew the usage of every single ingredient without ever using 'em... the only 3 ways of finding out what an ingredient does would be 1. drinking/eating it. 2. bringing it to an alchemist and paying him for info, this should however not always be just as successful, some alchemists might only know two effects on a 3 effect ingredient, other might know no of that exact ingredients effects (giving you your money back), and some may know all its effects. 3. finding/buying a note witch says something like: I've spend years researching diseases, so far I've gained much knowledge on brainrot, it is commonly gain from contact with bears, most notably their claws and mouth... the tongue in particuler have a large chance of giving you brainrot and lowering your defences a against other diseases, but the claws often course infection and even though the chance for brainrot is smaller, they mostlikely will leave you in a much worse condition and therefor making other diseases more common. While making potions you have a choice of adding a pinch of *random ingredient* (10%) half a *random ingredient* (50%) a *random ingredient* (100%) a dozen of *random ingredient* (1200%) finally you should have a choice of witch potion your making, fx. standard potion of healing. shopskeepers may give you a bounty if you sell a potion as something its not, and whoever bought it survives the encounter... journayman (and above) alchemists should be able to only use certain parts of the ingredient, fx. the tips of bearclaws being the part that damages your health, the middle should be the part that weakens you against disease, and the bottom should be the part witch can give you brainrot.
Therefor leaving a "potion of cure disease" witch is really a potion of 100 points posion for 10 sec might be quite usefull while assassinating.
There should also be notes saying fx: How to make a potion of extreme holyness (witch makes damage to holy places appeal in area): 5 entire canis roots, 3 cups of holy water, and a single pinch of the grayest part of a vampires dust.
What do you think of this system?