this is about as broad as i can make it. oblivion lacked consequences for your choices short of wholesale slaughtering of an entire guild it didnt matter who you joined cause everyone would take you and didnt care what your skills were. this was especially annoying with the mages guild and the thieves guild who both should have the resources to know if you the leader of the dark brotherhood. this has been covered ad nausuem but what i havent seen a specific poll on although its been mentioned in a couple of magic related threads was differing magic pathways.
i would like skill sets which precluded other skill sets. if you a necromancer you would get access to powerful necro spells but you wouldnt be able to use "good" or "light" spells such as healing or.......well light spells. a necromancer would instead have nightvision instead of light and leech instead of healing. its cliche but you get my point. this has been done in other games and frankly is more fun than the oblivion "have it all now" system.
:facepalm: i svck at making polls..........could mod delete this.....thanks.