Hi there. I'm having a problem that I can't find any info on, hoping for some possible help here!
I'm doing Long Road Ahead for McCready. We killed the guys he wanted dead, traveled together, and he asked me to help find the cure. We go to Medtek, kill a bunch of ghouls, up to the third floor, lift the lockdown with the Executive Terminal, do some other stuff....then I walk up to the elevator door with the green indicator on it (the one to the Sublevels), push the button, click the door, no matter what, I get a msg "The elevator is inoperable." Ack! I can't have missed something, pretty sure I followed all the proper steps. I know lots of folks have had trouble giving the cure to Daisy, or getting Mac to give up the password, but never seen anyone locked out of the Sublevels elevator before. Any ideas? I really don't want to reload something when I'm not sure where the bug came from. Help, please?