» Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:10 am
I hope there is a huge number of difficulty sliders so I can fine tune the game to what I want the experience to be. I.e. I want slowest leveling speed possible, pretty hard but not obscurely hard fights but less of them, real time (unless game mechanics suddenly makes time of the essence) progression, a hard survival and interaction element etc etc etc. For my old dad however, I may choose slightly above normal survival element because I think he would like that, and easy the rest as he's just not quick enough.
That's how we *roll* in the dice world. We agree with the GM on what parts will be important in a system and what we can simplify. If I want to play my character for a year, then let me. Chances are that I have forgotten much of what I already did and it will be a re-experience rather than a re-run. Hard meaning 75% is just about right for many things, but some things I want at 100%. But fighting at 100% is beyond ridiculous. So if easy is 25%, it would probably be too hard for my dad. Personally I'd rather wait and retry, than go below 50% (normal) difficulty, even if I know I can. Also I think that 50% is far too easy, but 75% would probably be too hard for a normal mode.