You know, you don't have to use the difficulty slider... It's there to allow you to set the difficulty to the level you want to play the game at, emphasis on WANT, if you don't want to make the game so easy, then don't set the difficulty so low. Set it to 40 or 30 or 25 or something. But I guess NOT doing things you DON'T want to do is extremely difficult for some players.
I like the slider setup in the Elder Scrolls, at least if we're going to use the system of past games where difficulty only changes how much damage you and you're enemies can do in combat, it gives more control over the game's difficulty, and if you don't want control, than what's the point of having a difficulty slider at all? Now, if the difficulty option changed more things, as I hope it does, than preset options might be in order, as things like enemy AI might be harder to change gradually and would work better as preset options, but for what the past games did, the slider approach, I think, is preferable.
I would like to start a game on either easy, normal, or difficult setting. Let that be the way you play the whole game. Using a slider to hack job fix poor development should not be an option.
I hate it when games do that, because I don't know how hard the game is going to get later on. I don't want to choose one option at the start and then later on find that the game becomes too easy, nor do I want to choose another option at the start, have the game start off pretty reasonable, and then suddenly go into insane difficulty. That just entirely defeats the purpose of having a difficulty slider because by the time you know if you'll need to make the game harder or easier, it's already too late.