I like how everyone says "oh yeah I play on master and it's to easy". Cause they are lying and the know it. It's tough
I can't make a video on my 360. I ONE SHOT 90% of the enemies in this game.
There wouldn't be a crap ton of forums about this issue, if there was a setting to tough!
So, manority of us have found a super easy setting on master through playing dungeon master "wrong".....
I think we just smashed the dungeon master of this game, and it's the difficulty slider on Master. It should be harder period. I'm sure there are Youtube vids of 81 warriors 1 chopping dragons on master.
I could easily push my character further.. but as of right now, im a warrior playing in ebony "stealth" gear, and still smashing everything playing as a perkless thief.
Now I have said all I can say. I can keep playing on 360 as a dungeon master, which I will have to lower my gear and standards (which the game gave me) to "dungeon master" a difficulty I can lose on...
Or I can rebuy the game on PC and download a slider

Why cry then? when I have 2 viable solutions?
I believe this game was designed better for the console, regardless of how badly that showed on the PS3 etc... The immersion of surround sound, big tv's, to even the rumble pack and swinging of the swords, is done best through consoles....example of bad pc conversion: WASD lockpicking FTW!. People already have mods for insrtant lockpicking. Making "roll playing" and "dungeon master" even lamer... Mods tend to ruin games, and accomplishments are false as a result of it. Already people in this forum are like, DUDE play this on console without your cheats and tell me it's hard. When not even realizing I gave out my Xbox 360 gamer tag and am ready to share achievements.... lol. Like, I have 2 choices here and I don't like either.
If anyone can relate to this, well we all know it takes as simple "Modification" to the difficulty slider and were good to go! Without having to go switch to pc and get all modded out and restart over. Us console gamers just want to fight a fair fight, with our current characters. I don't believe that level 1 bear is the same level 81 bear I'm fighting now. Period. The only thing that should really "feel" differant are the mechanics the perks deliver. I'm twice as good with weapons through perks and enchants, yet, It shows that im actually 10 times better and vs a 81 mob on MASTER.
I appologize for whining. But this is an issue. And until it's resolved, I will be playing dungeon master allowing myself to only play with low grade equipment, no enchantments, and anything else I
should regret to obtain in my Xbox 360 play through.