Difficulty - Too easy?, vote here for a Harder "slider&#

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:49 pm

try to challenge yourself!

if u can complete the game on master, all quests, all guilds without dying then ill agree with your post till then...

the game has plenty of room for u to make it harder for yourself!

O o whats that? challenge yourself?

Never! the game has to do it not me!
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:25 pm

And so you know, I "roll played" 120 hours in, which took me to about level 50'ish the intended "SOFT level cap" through playing the game "normally" on "master difficulty" was still fairly easy to do.. And from that point I decided to get more perks, by "grinding" up the rest of my skills and maxed out my level, as designed by Bethesda's lead systems desginer.

Every RPG has a "MAX" point where the player stops progression in power etc... But at that "max" point in ANY rpg, the player always has a challange at hand. My arguement is CHALLANGE, by putting tic and tac together doesn't give any reason to why the game is left with no challange... Bethesda hasn't done that in the past.

Most rpg MMOs have a hard max level that's supposed to be reached to access more content (on going and updated content).

This is not an MMO and the content is accessed fully around the mid 40's I believe, so the more you push to that 81 level the more you overpower your character.

They could have maxed the level earlier by halting the level progression earlier so that new skills trained did not add to your level or perks, but they don't seem to have a problem if people want to overpower their characters they prefer to keep it the players choice as it should be.

It's not about look I'm level 81, it's about playing a character in a role and the perks help define what that role is. A thief won't need many warrior or mage skills so if role playing a thief why train skills you don't need? Just to gain higher levels and become more overpowered?
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:02 am

I can't beleave how many people dissagree! Of course this game would benefit from a difficulty slider.
Sure, master can be hard as nails at certain points in the game. But what if you want to be challenged 100%, so that for example potions are essential to your survival

This argument doesn't even make any sence, what is wrong with wanting a balanced game?

Artox, thank you for being civil, and saying what is wrong with having the "option"....

Were not talking about ruining anything for anyone, but making it BETTER for those at our game play status.
And let's put it this way peoples out there.... If skyrim didnt have quest line game ruining bugs, exploding houses, and included a harder difficulty setting... IT could quite possibly be one the best RPG's ever made... But the top RPG's in my books, actually took a large set of skill, or time, or even maxed out characters to beat... Most RPG's, a maxed out character feels underprepared and requires intensive upgrading... (final fantasy's (one of the first RPG's for Nintendo!))

Infact, I would say this is the best game ever, If my level 81 guy got whooped on that mission I gave as an example of easyness. Then I came back with enchanted gear and crazy loaded up npc's, and from that point I barely win the battle.... the sence of being epic and requiring more!!! That's what Rpg's have asked of us all these years... All i see now is, just let me smash and grab and hit the win button... Some of us still have RPG etiquette, and your one of them!

THANK YOU, (hugs)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:38 pm

let me guess u put most of your points in health, u didnt turn health regen off, and u didnt play DiD.

if the answer to all 3 is no then, i think that u made the game alot easier for yourself!

try all these 3 on master from the start then tell me how easy it is!


I didn't know, I've been wondering why master seemed so easy, playing DiD, not using combat or magic perks that increase damage (put two points in Destruction tree, Novice/Apprentice to lower magicka cost, haven't spent more) and I'm only enchanting/smithing/brewing what I can with stuff that I find in my adventures. Sorry, got off subject, how do you turn off health regen? Is it an option in the menu or does it involve modifying an ini file or something?

As for the OP, RPGs are about role playing, not about min/maxing. Min/maxing can be a part of a RPG except then you're not role playing, you're simply min/maxing. Sorry, you don't enjoy how you CHOSE to play the game. I'd feel more sorry for you if you wouldn't have chose to play that way.

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot that you were asking for a difficulty slider because of how much it sounded like you were complaining. I don't mind the idea of a difficulty slider, especially if it expands to allow further challenge past Master difficulty. Unfortunately I believe that we're stuck with the current option unless they can completely rework the way that difficulty works in a patch. Personally I'll be fine with using difficulty mods and personally limiting myself because it creates more of a challenge for me in more ways than just moving a slider. Activates my brain, which is why I play video games.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:20 pm

you made my day :)

Those of us that want to be 100% challanged, deserve it. ESPECAILLY if Bethesda set where that 100% caps out at....
This is a blind and miscalculated blatent mistake on their part... And it NEEDS to be addressed in order to keep a large portion of the fan base.
That same fan base will continiously grow too, as most these people will convert and agree with us once the game has been out longer than a month or two.
Considering I smashed through the game and can 1 hit anything in a massive world / game like this (within liek a week or 2 of release). Tells me exactly how fearce of a world they created....

Think of your favorite rpg's. How long it took you to get to the parts where you got smashed. And how hard it was when you were most prepared. This game has no meaning of challange when it comes to combat progression. But it certainly allows you to "roll play" which ever way you choose!! Or you can do it all in one go and quit wasting your time cause there is no utlimate weapon in this final fantasy... Even though your dragon born for epic battles?! Even Dragon age delivered difficulty when fighting on the hardest setting... Just look around, this games easy in comparison, and it takes adjusting 1 line of code to fix it!.... lol..

I'm done here. Thanks to those who are semi human when it comes to loving good rpg's.

And [censored] you trolls. go play hello kitty. Nvm you've got skyrim now.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:18 pm

Breaking every bone in your hands also ramps up the challenge really fast! Great way to enjoy the game!
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:08 pm

I wish they would design at least some content that can challenge players, nevermind that their hardest difficulty setting can be broken by playing normally. Some kind of bone thrown to appease those of us that actually build optimal characters and aren't the braindead lowest common denominator. I mean, whatever happened to secret bosses, hidden dungeons, optional versions of bosses, end-game/post main quest events, etc that were deliberately made far more difficult than normal?

The fact that there are no additional enemy types that appear who may be challenging at around level 40, when the cap is 81 is a massive flaw in and of itself. I mean what are we supposed to do? Not level? Wait until DLC comes out that might have a chance to be challenging for that level range? It just all seems so ill thought out, poorly designed, and balanced. Honestly, it's like they didn't even try playing their own game past level 10.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:15 am




BY SITHIS, I can't do this anymore. Common sense is not always common is now a fact, I think

Got to agree with you there..
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dean Cutler
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:43 am


I didn't know, I've been wondering why master seemed so easy, playing DiD, not using combat or magic perks that increase damage (put two points in Destruction tree, Novice/Apprentice to lower magicka cost, haven't spent more) and I'm only enchanting/smithing/brewing what I can with stuff that I find in my adventures. Sorry, got off subject, how do you turn off health regen? Is it an option in the menu or does it involve modifying an ini file or something?

As for the OP, RPGs are about role playing, not about min/maxing. Min/maxing can be a part of a RPG except then you're not role playing, you're simply min/maxing. Sorry, you don't enjoy how you CHOSE to play the game. I'd feel more sorry for you if you wouldn't have chose to play that way.

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot that you were asking for a difficulty slider because of how much it sounded like you were complaining. I don't mind the idea of a difficulty slider, especially if it expands to allow further challenge past Master difficulty. Unfortunately I believe that we're stuck with the current option unless they can completely rework the way that difficulty works in a patch. Personally I'll be fine with using difficulty mods and personally limiting myself because it creates more of a challenge for me in more ways than just moving a slider. Activates my brain, which is why I play video games.

Your an epic face palm.... lol First you didnt read how i played the game normally then capped out when i got bored.... And before and after has always been EASY. So you troll me and say your not sorry. Then you go ahead and agree with me saying my idea would allow the game to be more expansive..

I fininshed saying I would LOVe this game, maybe diclare it as my favorite, If all my roll playing up until now.. WHICH I HAVE BEEN DOING, then got BORED and MAXED out.... Had I been able to Roll play, and THEN gain POWER and still enjoy the game. Id be complete. A roll playing game that offers progressive combat in the year 2011?!!? NO WAY!!!!! Dude this [censored] should be expected that I get my ass whooped for playing the hardest setting.... But im not!

I should beable to play the game ANY which way i choose, and there should always be something that kicks my butt or the option to do so.... Go play any other RPG and tell me how easy it was on the hardest setting....

Fact: No game should be easy on hard.... Therfor it does not deserve it's lable. You should have the feeling of respect for master players, cause it should take someone who goes beyond roll playing and into game play... Cause rolls decided to jump into hard games... Not the other way around.. If I wanted to roll play without combat progression and challange, I can go roll playing with my girlfriend, and even that gets REALLY HARD>.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:33 pm

I wish they would design at least some content that can challenge players, nevermind that their hardest difficulty setting can be broken by playing normally. Some kind of bone thrown to appease those of us that actually build optimal characters and aren't the braindead lowest common denominator. I mean, whatever happened to secret bosses, hidden dungeons, optional versions of bosses, end-game/post main quest events, etc that were deliberately made far more difficult than normal?

The fact that there are no additional enemy types that appear who may be challenging at around level 40, when the cap is 81 is a massive flaw in and of itself. I mean what are we supposed to do? Not level? Wait until DLC comes out that might have a chance to be challenging for that level range? It just all seems so ill thought out, poorly designed, and balanced. Honestly, it's like they didn't even try playing their own game past level 10.

You deserve a hug too!! High five on that brother... And you know what, without me sounding like a complete epic troll, I couldn't even bring up any of that crap without having to deal with my biggest pet peeve yet. (1 hitting dragons on master, lol).. If this wasn't an issue i'd probley be hoping for some of the thigns you mentioned to come... As of right now, the game is completely childishly easy for someone of my gaming calibre, and deserves respect only from those who like to dabble in rolls and "oooo and aaaaa" over fancy outfits and houses.

The points you made I had also ventured just the other day. Like a hidden shelf in my house leading to some cool training room where i could store my npc's.. Or on one of these linear quests in a cave, I stumble apon a hidden room taking me to a rare boss. Unique model, texture, and actually maybe uses something other than fire or a shout on me... Maybe like a shield charge, or histaria spell.. Maybe something you would normally see the player using rather than the enemy. And on that note, I don't agree with giving spells to players but not enemies. Infact back in the day enemies had more than players, i remember final fantasy 1 getting XXX ERASED bye some scary ass eyeball.. I don't rememeber my heart racing faster in skyrim.....
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:59 pm

try to challenge yourself!

if u can complete the game on master, all quests, all guilds without dying then ill agree with your post till then...

the game has plenty of room for u to make it harder for yourself!

O o whats that? challenge yourself?

Never! the game has to do it not me!

There was a nice post from some player in another thread, where he said that setting limits for yourself in a game (like no enchanting, no smithing, etc) feels like being both Dungeonmaster and a player at the same time, which for some players totally kills immersion. Which is why it's not unreasonable from OP to expect a difficulty higher than Master, because it really is too easy in the later levels (40+). If they kept the difficulty scaling from first 30 levels I don't think anyone would complain, but as OP mentioned, once you get past that difficulty 'hump' it goes downhill, literally.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:45 am

There was a nice post from some player in another thread, where he said that setting limits for yourself in a game (like no enchanting, no smithing, etc) feels like being both Dungeonmaster and a player at the same time, which for some players totally kills immersion. Which is why it's not unreasonable from OP to expect a difficulty higher than Master, because it really is too easy in the later levels (40+). If they kept the difficulty scaling from first 30 levels I don't think anyone would complain, but as OP mentioned, once you get past that difficulty 'hump' it goes downhill, literally.

You said it the best... Thank you...

You said what I couldnt figure out for myself. All these people have been telling me to limit my game. Dont do blacksmithing, play unarmed, don't use companions. basically telling me to set rules and play less of the game.

MY issue was it breaks the immersion of gameplay... I am the dungeon master. EFF that im here to smash this game on the hardest setting possible, and when I fall apart doing so, I talk on forums about cool stratigy's to do so. And we TRY to overcome the impossible...

I can't say I overcame the impossible, when I was the dungeon master who said it would be impossible. I just proved myself wrong. What good does that do.. Now I just played through the game with less stuff and more limitations, and I have to grunt through it all over again if a difficulty slider update comes out. Cause I actually enjoy combat when "roll playing" starts to take a toll on me... But the thing is, FIGHTING is part of my ROLL in this GAME. So fricken fix it already bethesda.... I REALLY liked oblivions crazy difficulty at times, even I couldn't handle it and found myself turning it down... That is the reason I will have put more hours into oblivion than I ever will skyrim. I already hit the win button, now the roll playing feels kinda week considering combat is a huge part of the warriors roll......
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:34 pm

Going around 1 shotting everything is pretty lame.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:15 am

I guesse I could go charm people, persuide, and roll play a [censored] ton longer.... who needs combat to roll play in skyrim. Specailly when the roll playing part has sooo many twists, turns, options, and good or bad choices to make for a very non linear and multiple dynamic ways to finish the game. Like most games that focus only on the "roll playing" part.... That's right, they got both sides of the coin just dandy.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:49 am

One solution I can think of is to set how much experience you get for smithing/enchanting/etc to be much less each time it goes up, and this way you level much slower. Might help with too-fast uber characters. Just a thought.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:04 pm

I like how everyone says "oh yeah I play on master and it's to easy". Cause they are lying and the know it. It's tough

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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:23 pm

If you're on PC, try my mod;


Otherwise, tough luck. Balance and AI mods will come with the CK more extensively, at least from me.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:11 pm




BY SITHIS, I can't do this anymore. Common sense is not always common is now a fact, I think

Yeah seriously, people experiencing the game different then myself, thats just disgusting.
Possibly there are some that even play it different, those are the true Nazis of modern times.
I demand that Bethesda immediately instates a inquisitionary Tribunal to deal with that scumbags.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:40 pm

Try playing it on a console for a change where you can't use the console to type in anything, don't use any perk tweaks at all, just work at your perks normally and then see if you think the game is too easy!

Ur an idiot, im on 360 i said that in my post... xXJonnyFiveAliveXx - xbox 360, add my see my achievements.... and i can even send yo ua copy of my save file of being far into the game at a low level, playing "normally".. Just because i started to decide to take my character further near the end of the game, doesn't mean I didn't try ot play normally for the first half....

Besides, whereever and whenever I choose to max out my char. I should beable to do so at anytime and still find a challange.... If anything maxing out before starting the game, should essentailly make the game harder for longer as you should be fighting level 81 mobs..... It SHOULD be a problem for most players... Leveling max level in oblivion gave you a fist full of FML!@
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:58 pm

Agree with OP. Never played on anything but Master, never power leveled anything at all, and the only time it felt challenging was at the very start. Not long ago, I would say it was still challenging without a companion, but now it doesn't matter if I solo... too easy.

I was afraid this would happen. With Oblivion I was able to create rules to make it more challenging for myself, but the mechanics I used are gone now.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:40 am

Yeah seriously, people experiencing the game different then myself, thats just disgusting.
Possibly there are some that even play it different, those are the true Nazis of modern times.
I demand that Bethesda immediately instates a inquisitionary Tribunal to deal with that scumbags.

calm yourrself... People ask for a harder setting, cause they actually got further than you did.. AND You svck at games, so your reply is to get Bethesda to kill these scumbag nazi's...

Time to look in the mirror troll face.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:53 pm

calm yourrself... People ask for a harder setting, cause they actually got further than you did.. AND You svck at games, so your reply is to get Bethesda to kill these scumbag nazi's...

Time to look in the mirror troll face.

Yeah well, it is kind of a sad day when you seem to have to put a sarcasm smiley behind such a post.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:41 am

I seldomly write to forums but here's my input. For me, the combat and scalability is just weird, you just over-do yourself becoming a god or purposedly nerf yourself so you whack the miserable bandit or wizard for ages with your 2-hander. That kinda combat is just number vs number spamming and the purpose of fights become rather meaningless, in my POV, lazy AI design.

How the combat should go : Me with my 2-hander charging against a wizard / bandit surely would end in their deaths should i get in melee range. Now from the enemy's POV they should be doing everything possible to stop that happening (illusion, freeze, dirty tricks etc etc). So that fighting actually could become SKILL-based, not math based.

In my opinion this kind of scalability will never work. The need for skill seems a lost cause nowadays...
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:58 pm

I like how everyone says "oh yeah I play on master and it's to easy". Cause they are lying and the know it. It's tough


I can't make a video on my 360. I ONE SHOT 90% of the enemies in this game.

There wouldn't be a crap ton of forums about this issue, if there was a setting to tough!
So, manority of us have found a super easy setting on master through playing dungeon master "wrong".....

I think we just smashed the dungeon master of this game, and it's the difficulty slider on Master. It should be harder period. I'm sure there are Youtube vids of 81 warriors 1 chopping dragons on master.

I could easily push my character further.. but as of right now, im a warrior playing in ebony "stealth" gear, and still smashing everything playing as a perkless thief.

Now I have said all I can say. I can keep playing on 360 as a dungeon master, which I will have to lower my gear and standards (which the game gave me) to "dungeon master" a difficulty I can lose on...
Or I can rebuy the game on PC and download a slider :(....

Why cry then? when I have 2 viable solutions?
I believe this game was designed better for the console, regardless of how badly that showed on the PS3 etc... The immersion of surround sound, big tv's, to even the rumble pack and swinging of the swords, is done best through consoles....example of bad pc conversion: WASD lockpicking FTW!. People already have mods for insrtant lockpicking. Making "roll playing" and "dungeon master" even lamer... Mods tend to ruin games, and accomplishments are false as a result of it. Already people in this forum are like, DUDE play this on console without your cheats and tell me it's hard. When not even realizing I gave out my Xbox 360 gamer tag and am ready to share achievements.... lol. Like, I have 2 choices here and I don't like either.

If anyone can relate to this, well we all know it takes as simple "Modification" to the difficulty slider and were good to go! Without having to go switch to pc and get all modded out and restart over. Us console gamers just want to fight a fair fight, with our current characters. I don't believe that level 1 bear is the same level 81 bear I'm fighting now. Period. The only thing that should really "feel" differant are the mechanics the perks deliver. I'm twice as good with weapons through perks and enchants, yet, It shows that im actually 10 times better and vs a 81 mob on MASTER.

I appologize for whining. But this is an issue. And until it's resolved, I will be playing dungeon master allowing myself to only play with low grade equipment, no enchantments, and anything else I should regret to obtain in my Xbox 360 play through.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:21 pm

Too easy? play mage instead. :laugh:
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