You should use perks that's what helps define your characters role.
But you should not be trying to reach level 81 by mindlessly grinding skills you don't need for your characters role.
See you make a logical point. But where you faulty is your knowledge in how the system actually works. Let me put it simply this way. The elder scrolls series has always granted the player or class to choose and max out roughly 7 major skills. In skyrim, it requires maxing 3 skill trees in order to fuel 1 tree full of perks. Playing a warrior using only the 6 warrior skills, and maxing them to 100. would give you enough "fuel" for 1-2 perk trees. So take your pick, heavy armor and 1 handers, or shields and blacksmithing.... Very versitile compared to the previous games wouldn't you say?...
Stepping back, when I was "planning" my warrior, knowing I want max perks in heavy armor, block, 1 handers, blacksmithing, and restoration, FIVE simple choices.. I knew from the very first hour I was going to need to atleast level 15 / 18 skills maxed in order to fuel 5 perk trees. However, I didnt know playing with 5 major skills would make the game terribly easy, considering I have had atleast 7 skills to 100 in the previous elder scrolls games. I KNEW skyrim would kick my ass at 60+ basing my best judgment from actually playing the previous series. But I was wrong, the game is terribly easy with only a sub-par average build, one that could be found as average build in any of the other elder scrolls games.. Atleast it took a crap ton of work to become a "god" in the older games, and there was always a difficulty slider at that point, which was to damn hard. NO COMPLAINTS>...
If this is as intended. Bethesda got soft on gamers, and hardcoe rpg fans should look elsewhere for a challange or not waste their hard earned money on a console version that can't be modified for an actual challange. To rebuy and replay on pc, just so I can get a harder version of the game, which some kid made in his basemant. Seems like i'm admitting defeat to my love for Bethesda. When I would kneel before them if this game derived any sort of challange at all... As a challanging setting would bring this game into top calibre RPG gaming. But It will never be there without the help of non-proffessional game designers... UNLESS Bethesda releases a simple patch with 1-2 more difficulty sliders. IT'S THAT EASY!!!
I've come to the understanding that 50% of the people in the world agree with me. And I understand that Bethesda will never resolve the issue. I understand I wasted my money and time on a 360 version of this game, and the conversion to pc isn't worth while when this game was designed for Console, yet can't deliver a console calibre level of gameplay...
So my conclusion is; Skyrim is built for console and svcks for console. Install the game on your pc with your friends copy, any put you support to modders rather than Bethesda... Now that seems rather unfair, doesnt it?
Well it's that, or,
Forget Skyrim it's a thing of the past. It already expired and exeeded it's shelf life in the stack of xbox 360 games on gamers shelves world wide... I would like to simply forget playing Skyrim and move onto more challanging RPG's that actually offer challange for all levels of play. Some studios actaully consider the fact that people are actually capible of going above and beyond (BTW Bethesda Set the level cap, not us!), and design specific content and difficult challanges for players of all levels... You know, it's called having standards and setting the bar high. Something Bethesda decided to recently forget about... I can't easily forget that they were one of my favorite developers, but I can forget about Skyrim, simply because it hasn't made any "difficult" moment impacts in my gaming memory..I only remember the good times in games, which were ussually good times through accomplished and difficult challanges...
Now I am forced to turn my head to Blizzards Diablo 3, if I want any sort of difficulty in combat when playing a warrior roll in an RPG.
No wonder they rushed for 11/11/11, Diablo is right around the corner, and it has like 4 HARD difficulties, ranging from HELL, INFERNO, and even hardcoe. The optional roll player who can actually build a strong warrior, still has a challange with the simple OPTION of a higher difficulty. Blizzard would never make the mistake of letting level 60 barbarians 1 hit everything on hardcoe inferno... I mean, they have SOME common sence, that's all it really takes...
I'm done with this lazy easy game, unless a patch comes out ofcourse. For now, I retire as an extremely disapointed Bethesda fan. Questioning the Difficulty of Fallout 4, and the upcoming Elder scrolls games. People will learn to borrow Bethesda games, due to being to easy or to buggy. Either way, I'm not the one losing out on a majority of the fan base. I rest my case.