Difficulty - Too easy?, vote here for a Harder "slider&#

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:40 pm

Alot of people are saying 1 shotting people is the reward of becoming a level 81 dragon born. Ok, I get godly status is achievable and a level 4 bandit shouldnt hurt a dragon born.... But how bout an entire army like white run, 15 gaurds on me and I 1 shot them all and can litterally wage war as an imortal god killing EVERYTHING in skyrim at the same time, NO MATCH. Seems a bit overly godly to me.......

Last night, I played "dungeon master" to try and make my game challanging. Being a heavy armor warrior with mace mastery, I swapped into Whiterun light Gaurd armor, grabbed a regular imperial sword, and made sure too use none of my perks I picked (which "should" make the game more fun), and not using them counter acts the fact I actually played the game through..... Regardless, I used un-enchanted, un-sharpened, default white run gear and a crappy sword. I took on 15 imperials and only had to heal 3 times. The battles required blocking and attacking, (no more 1 shotting), but I was not threatened by death in any means at all.

After taking off all my cothing, and using only an iron dagger, I found my match!. The game is about the difficulty I need it to be on master, Using a naked nord with a dagger. Period. And Any MORTAL dragon born human, would easily die from an arrow to the chest with no armor on... I still see a broken and flawed difficulty setting that needs to be addressed. Cause I highly doubt playing a level 30 character with maybe 1.5 perk trees, seems intising compared to the skills I had in the previous elder scrolls games....

I never remember being a master of ONLY 2 things in the previous games. I remember being challanged and having atleast 7 major skills to master... Seems like everyone here is saying that If I resort to playing with 1 or 2 things, I can enjoy the game? I thought the elder scrolls was about having like 7 major skills from a massive list of 30+, AND STILL have a challange at hand.... I achieved 7 major skills in skyrim (much like oblivion by DEFAULT) and im considered a godly cheater on master difficulty...

Sorry, If that's Bethesda's intentions. MAking us imortal dragon borns.. I prefered the Mortal oblivion class with 7 major skills maxed out and not being OP as a result... Not to mention, who wants to go roll playing as a theif when they just found out they are imortals that one hit anything... Kinda ruins the immerstion of roll playing as a god.... don't you think?.....
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:14 pm

A god or immortal dragon born, who roll plays as a thief... Quit wasting my time and give me a godly adversary who is worthy, and gives me a reason for being BORN as a dragon born... Cause Youtube proved a level 36 assasin can 1 shot the hardest dragon in the game. And you people are telling me I broke the game after level 50..
No It broke after about 1 perk tree, level 20ish...

Bethesda's intentions to allow most character builds to be as diverse as 1-2 perk trees (and still enjoy the game), is a joke to the elder scroll series. I rest my case.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:43 am

Guess I shouldnt be walking around with +120% weapon dmg, 85%magic resist, caped armor, 2 enchanted weapons with 30 absorb life +30 something fire dmg :P, 0 cost restoration spells/0 cost destruction if i want. maybe game turned too easy now :P
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:56 pm

The game clearly states your a god from the moment you slay a dragon in your first hour, without even having to achieve any sort of roll playing statistic....
You are granted the power to kill dragons in the first hour. Then labled dragon born. WIN BUTTON much?!

Achieving the actual perks which SHOULD be required to kill a dragon, would be a great feeling.....

What happened to RPG's that actually took effort and stat building to kill these epic bosses.?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:38 pm

Then don't use the perk honestly your pretty pathletic if you can't figure that out lol. It's simple if you believe the mechanic or skill is broken nothing says you have to use it or take the perk handicap yourself and see if you can be a bad ass without it.....
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:55 pm

I've played 9 characters on adept level only towards mid twenties, trying styles out.

My 10th character which will be getting all Archery, sneak and alchemy perks plus 8 from one hand and 8 from enchantment (armor), so it'll be basically a cloth wearing assassin/archer.

Anyway back to the point, so far I've found the standard mobs to be fairly tough on master level, not met one of the harder ones yet (level 9 now). So I don't see a reason to make the mobs any tougher. If you want tough mobs then don't level to 81 for a start, I'm aiming for level 61 with the perks I've chosen. Even got killed by one of the larger mudcrabs as I did not appriciate the difference between adept level and master level.

I think mobs are ok on master level, however I would have liked to see the dragons a bit tougher based on adept level, not come across one on master level yet to be able to judge it at that level.
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Jack Bryan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:13 pm

Then don't use the perk honestly your pretty pathletic if you can't figure that out lol. It's simple if you believe the mechanic or skill is broken nothing says you have to use it or take the perk handicap yourself and see if you can be a bad ass without it.....

Your right, so you just proved my point by admitting bethesda's perk tree is completely and utterly pointless to use at all, if you want to have a challange.

Thanks for telling me I just played the game Bethesda suggested I play, then telling me I broke it by playing it the way it was intended to be played...
The entire point of a game is to play as intented, and find a level of challange...

Take out the perk tree and we have a challange?! GREAT solution! Some people actually like the per tree, and would simply like having a challange while using it. Seems like a pretty decent compramise rather than forgetting about perks all together... Your basically helping me win my argument by telling the world to throw out the perk tree, and saying Bethesda designed it for the use of tossing it in the garbage bin....
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:01 pm

Yep pathetic!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:41 pm

Yet again, you called me pathetic for not realizing I shouldn't be using perks. Now I agree with you and we can agree the perk tree is pathetic... Your a bit to easy to sway.... but thanks for your support on the broken difficulty.

Appreciated <3
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:26 pm

I didnt read it all but all the peopeltalking about starting out master, ummm you level faster crafting than you do fighting. basically any skill up on anything adds to your level increase.

So while youre crafting youre also leveling. if you buy skills from trainers you also level. it is possible to get to Whiterun at level 4 or 5 and start crafting and buying skills and not walk out of there and be level 10 or 11 just from leveling up skills and crafting. And that is without power lveling anything jusy using what you have or buy.

Now I suppose you could NOT buy skills off vendor trainers, but why not? its in the game so why not utilize an in game function? So you guys are taking a stance of make the game easier on yourself by NOT doing something in the game, while the OP is just asking for something that would actually make more sense...making the game a little more difficult.

So what makes more sense gimping yourself on purpose and not doing things to make sure you dont get to string or giving an option to make the game as hard as it needs to be to stay a challenge?

I have played it both ways, I stayed gimped on purpose with normal 'epic' armor and weapon, not legendary, and it stillwasnt all that difficult even on master. I also have started a new game with a new class type on master and it hasnt proven to be overly taxing and I havent even done any special things yet. So once I craft a few things it will be just the same as the higher level guys I have.

While the MMO mentality is a problem wanting the game to offer a challenge beyond self governing isnt.

Through NORMAL gameplay the game becomes way too easy and not even fun to play. And that sint utilzing any console commands or guides made by people trying to get 5 million armor 10 million damage and whatever other silliness. A 'normal' legendary sword with maxed perks is going to do 250 damage, even on master that is at most 3 or 4 hits to the harder mobs, it one shots alot of things. Too easy. If you fool with your alchemy and smithing perks you can get one handed swords with over 560, which is WAAAAAAY over the top. But available through the game mechanics and even vendor bought potions and modest smithing gear can get you close to 300 damage.So what dont make good weapons? Might as well run around naked with an iron dagger than i guess for the whole game.Does that makesense?

There should be a few more difficulty levels above master. While in the end it will probably all be relative. Putting the varying dgerees of gear in the game should mean they are necessary. if they arent and just turn into over killthe game has a problem.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:39 pm

You should use perks that's what helps define your characters role.

But you should not be trying to reach level 81 by mindlessly grinding skills you don't need for your characters role.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:45 pm

Yeah add harder modes and you boys would still cry it's to easy maybe unless everything was unkillable then it become the perfect game gotcha lol.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:39 pm

Fact: Enemies cease leveling after 50

So getting yourself to 81 makes you a god because that's how Bethesda intended it to be. If you have the determination to get to level 81 by mindlessly grinding, you deserve god mode. If you used the Ohgma Infinium glitch, well then...

Also, that mission is a low-level dungeon, so yeah.

Lvl 81 Super Dragonborn in amazing gear VS lvl 10 Imperial Soldiers in Imperial light armor.

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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:04 am

You should use perks that's what helps define your characters role.

But you should not be trying to reach level 81 by mindlessly grinding skills you don't need for your characters role.

See you make a logical point. But where you faulty is your knowledge in how the system actually works. Let me put it simply this way. The elder scrolls series has always granted the player or class to choose and max out roughly 7 major skills. In skyrim, it requires maxing 3 skill trees in order to fuel 1 tree full of perks. Playing a warrior using only the 6 warrior skills, and maxing them to 100. would give you enough "fuel" for 1-2 perk trees. So take your pick, heavy armor and 1 handers, or shields and blacksmithing.... Very versitile compared to the previous games wouldn't you say?...

Stepping back, when I was "planning" my warrior, knowing I want max perks in heavy armor, block, 1 handers, blacksmithing, and restoration, FIVE simple choices.. I knew from the very first hour I was going to need to atleast level 15 / 18 skills maxed in order to fuel 5 perk trees. However, I didnt know playing with 5 major skills would make the game terribly easy, considering I have had atleast 7 skills to 100 in the previous elder scrolls games. I KNEW skyrim would kick my ass at 60+ basing my best judgment from actually playing the previous series. But I was wrong, the game is terribly easy with only a sub-par average build, one that could be found as average build in any of the other elder scrolls games.. Atleast it took a crap ton of work to become a "god" in the older games, and there was always a difficulty slider at that point, which was to damn hard. NO COMPLAINTS>...

If this is as intended. Bethesda got soft on gamers, and hardcoe rpg fans should look elsewhere for a challange or not waste their hard earned money on a console version that can't be modified for an actual challange. To rebuy and replay on pc, just so I can get a harder version of the game, which some kid made in his basemant. Seems like i'm admitting defeat to my love for Bethesda. When I would kneel before them if this game derived any sort of challange at all... As a challanging setting would bring this game into top calibre RPG gaming. But It will never be there without the help of non-proffessional game designers... UNLESS Bethesda releases a simple patch with 1-2 more difficulty sliders. IT'S THAT EASY!!!

I've come to the understanding that 50% of the people in the world agree with me. And I understand that Bethesda will never resolve the issue. I understand I wasted my money and time on a 360 version of this game, and the conversion to pc isn't worth while when this game was designed for Console, yet can't deliver a console calibre level of gameplay...

So my conclusion is; Skyrim is built for console and svcks for console. Install the game on your pc with your friends copy, any put you support to modders rather than Bethesda... Now that seems rather unfair, doesnt it?

Well it's that, or, Forget Skyrim it's a thing of the past. It already expired and exeeded it's shelf life in the stack of xbox 360 games on gamers shelves world wide... I would like to simply forget playing Skyrim and move onto more challanging RPG's that actually offer challange for all levels of play. Some studios actaully consider the fact that people are actually capible of going above and beyond (BTW Bethesda Set the level cap, not us!), and design specific content and difficult challanges for players of all levels... You know, it's called having standards and setting the bar high. Something Bethesda decided to recently forget about... I can't easily forget that they were one of my favorite developers, but I can forget about Skyrim, simply because it hasn't made any "difficult" moment impacts in my gaming memory..I only remember the good times in games, which were ussually good times through accomplished and difficult challanges...

Now I am forced to turn my head to Blizzards Diablo 3, if I want any sort of difficulty in combat when playing a warrior roll in an RPG.
No wonder they rushed for 11/11/11, Diablo is right around the corner, and it has like 4 HARD difficulties, ranging from HELL, INFERNO, and even hardcoe. The optional roll player who can actually build a strong warrior, still has a challange with the simple OPTION of a higher difficulty. Blizzard would never make the mistake of letting level 60 barbarians 1 hit everything on hardcoe inferno... I mean, they have SOME common sence, that's all it really takes...

I'm done with this lazy easy game, unless a patch comes out ofcourse. For now, I retire as an extremely disapointed Bethesda fan. Questioning the Difficulty of Fallout 4, and the upcoming Elder scrolls games. People will learn to borrow Bethesda games, due to being to easy or to buggy. Either way, I'm not the one losing out on a majority of the fan base. I rest my case.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:39 am

It takes one simple patch to redeem this game as epic. GIVE US ATLEAST 2 more difficulties, and the option to play hardcoe from character creation. TADA!! I just won back bethesda
s fan base with a simple answer to the problem at hand. THE GAMES TO EASY. Will Bethesda listen, time will only tell... Regardless, I'm done with this game until I see some sort of response from Bethesda. Heck, they arn't even reaching out to those with game breaking bugs!... Is there really any hope for a harder difficulty setting, something of which that is alot easier to develope than 100 non-challaging DLC packs....

If I see any sort of DLC, before bug patches and an attempt to make this game more difficult for hardcoe RPG and TES fans. I can say GOOD RIDANCE to this game, without biting my tongue with self hatred.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:31 pm

Too easy. If you fool with your alchemy and smithing perks you can get one handed swords with over 560, which is WAAAAAAY over the top. But available through the game mechanics and even vendor bought potions and modest smithing gear can get you close to 300 damage.So what dont make good weapons? Might as well run around naked with an iron dagger than i guess for the whole game.Does that makesense?

There should be a few more difficulty levels above master. While in the end it will probably all be relative. Putting the varying dgerees of gear in the game should mean they are necessary. if they arent and just turn into over killthe game has a problem.

I completely agree that it is too easy to become silly powerful with all the multipliers in the game, but I don't think new difficulty levels will help UNLESS the new difficulty level focuses on reducing your multipliers rather than increasing the stats of enemies. Having a new difficulty level would simply provide a level of play that requires players to use the imbalanced system, which isn't as good as fixing the source of the problem. Having a scale of damage that goes from 6-600 per hit is not something I'd want to try to balance into Skyrim. It would be so much simpler to nerf the crafting while also providing additional crafting content so as not to upset anyone.

But my guess is that they will just add higher difficulty areas and enemies, which is a shame, since players who don't want to use the silly crafting will find areas meant to challenge crafting players impossibly difficult.

Edit: They could also focus on areas with tactical difficulty, like enemies that use powerful disabling moves and armor reduction/penetration abilities. Things that would be challenging for a crafted up Demigod but still reasonable against players using regular game world items.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:13 am




BY SITHIS, I can't do this anymore. Common sense is not always common is now a fact, I think

Just wanted to say
You a genius
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:50 pm

I completely agree that it is too easy to become silly powerful with all the multipliers in the game, but I don't think new difficulty levels will help UNLESS the new difficulty level focuses on reducing your multipliers rather than increasing the stats of enemies. Having a new difficulty level would simply provide a level of play that requires players to use the imbalanced system, which isn't as good as fixing the source of the problem. Having a scale of damage that goes from 6-600 per hit is not something I'd want to try to balance into Skyrim. It would be so much simpler to nerf the crafting while also providing additional crafting content so as not to upset anyone.

But my guess is that they will just add higher difficulty areas and enemies, which is a shame, since players who don't want to use the silly crafting will find areas meant to challenge crafting players impossibly difficult.

Edit: They could also focus on areas with tactical difficulty, like enemies that use powerful disabling moves and armor reduction/penetration abilities. Things that would be challenging for a crafted up Demigod but still reasonable against players using regular game world items.

To the reply of your reply: I am running around naked with a dagger to make the game somewhat challanging on Master....

Rebalacing the game is like kicking back the entire product and saying it's all complete garbage... That's asking for too much from Bethesda when they currently arn't even adressing exploding houses or game breaking quest bugs... Asking for a harder difficulty that compinsates for just playing normally is a start. Having an additional difficulty for max exploited characters (which im not even close to yet, and still one hit kill everything) would ensure the game is always challanging no matter how far you deside to take it. Which would also give players an insentive to play longer inorder to gain such power, adding long-jevity to the gameplay entirely... And for those who don't even care to do such things or find the game difficult or fine the way it is. Wont have to adjust the difficulty slider, peroid.

Adding a few versions of rediculasly high scaling enemies would not hurt those who would not choose to play that way. Not giving a harder difficulty to 80% of the fan base who actually find the game extremely boringly easy, suggests this game be put back in its wrapper and leads by example of how an RPG should not turn out.... If I wanted to play god, I would go play God of War, and even that game will whoop your ass on hard. I came to roll play in skyrim and accidently become a god through picking a few locks....

Anyone who cannot see a major problem with this, are as blind as the NPC's which fail to spot a level 10 unperked stealth warrior in heavy armor.

I agree with your topic, but we gotto ease bethesda into the idea of baby steps. Saying the entire game is broken will only make them avoid reaching out to the community more. IF we could even get them to come out ofthere shell to admit a 5 year old child can smash this game on with any lvl 35+ character on master, and they are addressing the issue. Would be a meraculas breakthrough to say the least. So as much as I agree with you, I know when I ask for a harder difficulty mode, It's like asking bethesda to transmute silver into gold. They would claim it's not possible, even know they recently added transmute into the game and know it's that easy to do.... It's a matter of pride and the further we pick at problem, the less we see changed. So lets "pretend" the one issue is the difficulty slider, so we can atleast enjoy the game for what we paid for.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:57 pm

Did you update the gameplay to the hardest difficulty?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:35 pm

Did you update the gameplay to the hardest difficulty?

ofcourse, I set it to Master at level one. And the game was rediculasly hard. I think around my lvl 30's I found it so hard I thought I broke the game mechanics. Then I upped my blacksmithing and starting feeling great power. At that point, I was enjoying the progression. Somewhere in the mid 40's the game become a deal breaker as i embarked from the feeling of being "great" and nearly losing some battles, to godly inviinsible imortal that never loses nothing and one shots everything. Theres a fine line where you must find where the game is tough. AND STOP LEVELING. But the problem is, leveling is innevitable. Doing the theives guild quests, or mage guild quests, will eventaully level up your other areas, making you a stronger warrior. Rather than in the past where they were minor skills and it did not matter... So I must avoid trying out these guilds as a warrior? I played them in oblivion as a warrior just fine.. Yet again, limiting the player more making the game agian, 5 times less expansive when it comes to roll playing.

I'm tired of arguing... This game has a wound thats getting salt poored into it. And all we need is a medic to come put a bandaid over it and were all better!. By the time this gets fixed the scar is going to be so nasty and Skyrim is going to be dead to half of us... It's hopeless even trying to voice my opinion to Bethesda, and I feel like a dying fan laying in a mud puddle, outside of their studio. And they look out the window too notice nothing but the rain....

Listen to the song as you watch my Skyrim copy for xbox 360 get rained on in my backyard puddles.
Who will stop the rain?

PS: It hurts to post things like this, I have never complained on a forum about a game in 25 years of living my life. The fact that this game was the one to bring me here, HURTS me inside as a gamer...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:27 am



BY SITHIS, I can't do this anymore. Common sense is not always common is now a fact, I think

Just wanted to say
You a genius

I hope that ^ is sarcasm... but just in case I'll explain why that argument doesn't make sense...

If someone complains that it is too quiet, screaming in their ear can still be a bad thing.
If someone complains it is too cold, lighting them on fire can still be a bad thing.
If someone complains a game is too challenging, removing too much challenge can still be a bad thing.

Besides, the problems are not really that similar.
In Oblivion the world got too powerful as you leveled up. The biggest problem there was that it did not feel convincing (ex bandits in daedric armor everywhere).
In Skyrim, they fixed the world, it progresses subtly and effectively. The world does feel convincing. They did a great job with this and I love it. But also...
In Skyrim, PC strength increases exponentially when using crafting. This results in a PC character that does not feel convincing, despite a convincing gameworld.

And yes, you can simply choose not to use crafting. I will try this. It is a huge shame though, since crafting is otherwise the most fun part of the game due to customization options. I would want to use it even if the magnitudes were reduced by 75%.

Rebalacing the game is like kicking back the entire product and saying it's all complete garbage...

Yes, if I thought that was needed it would be a bit extreme, but I was only saying they should rebalance the crafting. Not the entire game. In many respects I think the game is very well balanced. Outside of crafting, everything is fine. (Maybe a couple extra destruction perks would be nice also.)
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Austin England
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:38 am

I hope that ^ is sarcasm... but just in case I'll explain why that argument doesn't make sense...

If someone complains that it is too quiet, screaming in their ear can still be a bad thing.
If someone complains it is too cold, lighting them on fire can still be a bad thing.
If someone complains a game is too challenging, removing too much challenge can still be a bad thing.

Besides, the problems are not really that similar.
In Oblivion the world got too powerful as you leveled up. The biggest problem there was that it did not feel convincing (ex bandits in daedric armor everywhere).
In Skyrim, they fixed the world, it progresses subtly and effectively. The world does feel convincing. They did a great job with this and I love it. But also...
In Skyrim, PC strength increases exponentially when using crafting. This results in a PC character that does not feel convincing, despite a convincing gameworld.

And yes, you can simply choose not to use crafting. I will try this. It is a huge shame though, since crafting is otherwise the most fun part of the game due to customization options. I would want to use it even if the magnitudes were reduced by 75%.

well said! I think that the game world feels better too, but doesn't scale enough or at all... And weither I decide to be a level 20 warrior with smithing, or a naked level 79 with an Iron dagger, I still kill everything in sight 1 shot and have 0 challange... I can break this game like 50 ways and call it easy each way... It's not making the game anymore challanging for any of us. Bethesda needs to save there console version of this game before we all officailly convert to PC and play the game with mods that give us a challange.

Can anyone smell marketing scheme? I buy it on ps3 and it breaks after 30 hours. Now I am on xbox 360 to find it's super easy after level 30 (not much further after the ps3 crash). Now I am probley going to end up buying this one steam if I don't see anything in the coming patch notes to improve the difficulty. Bethesda just got me and some other people to buy the game more than once!!! Now that's a a stratigic game studio! They really know how to bring in the coin and keep the fan base high!!!. yeeehaaaa....
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:58 pm

Bethesda are not likely to make any changes like that to the game.

Just wait for the CS to be released, there will be difficulty related mods for sure, infact heres one to keep an eye on if you want a hardcoe mode ;) http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1285738-fentuss-awesome-mod-for-awesome-people-famfap/

Though if your playing on console, then well.. not much i can say really! :P
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:20 pm

SO LISTEN UP: Those who are hating how easy their console versions are, and yet continue to play, as you do not want to give up the time you invested into your characters. Your problems are solved!!

Someone found a quick easy 5 minute way to convert your Xbox 360 character save files over to the PC!! From there, you can juice your game with this difficulty mod ->http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1269
Thanks to our very own Skyrim Die Hard, making skyrim better 1 step at a time!: Plutoman101! (round of appluas please!)

Champ status! You'll be back on your level 81 warrior getting your ass kicked in no time!

Shout outs to the real dragon born heroes of skyrim: kaotic_drake & Plutoman101 for doing what Bethesda couldn't do in 6 years, in just a matter of weeks! Great work guys!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:33 pm

If increasing difficulty meant smarter enemies, requiring you to be more strategic, maybe. But if sliding the difficulty slider higher just means more health and harder hits, meh. So I need to hit something 3 times instead of 1 to kill it? I might need to heal myself twice instead of once to get through a fight? And that makes the game more fun? How?
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