I would like to know if I am the only one finding this game extremely easy. And please do not comment if you are finding the game extremely hard. My mother plays this game and was struggling, she put the game on easy and is now doing fine. Infact, she turned it back up after leveling her blacksmithing. So this topic is specifically pointing out the fact that the more advanced players are not having fun.
Please share your story and express what sort of power your character may possess.
I myself, havn't been exploiting cheats to uber power myself (so I can still make it even easier?). I did however max my character in order to fo-fill all of my warrior perk trees (which should be expected to do in a RPG).
I have ebony mail armor, legendary not anything +past legendary, and some enchants (enchants like, waterbreathing, muffle, soul steal etc.. Not anything nuts or exploitish)...
Right now I am on master difficulty and just came off the first Stromcloak quest to collect the crown. I one shotted every imperial in there. using my mace, infact I was shield slamming them dead 1 hit just for fun. The skeleton demon lords, and the boss, took about 5-6 hits and I actually took 5% hp dmg!! Up until this point, I have been busy assassinating, stealing, and doing arrens, not really noticing how easy the game actually was..
So after leaving the cave a dragon comes down, I attract a giant, then 2 bandit thugs decide it's a good idea to chase after some guy killing a dragon, lol. I'm taking a beating from 3 melee mobs and a Dragon with frost fire. My health bar managed to move down 15-20%. For a second I fealt a shear thrill, but as a paladin style warrior with a few perks into restoration, I pulled out my heal and was full health again. The mobs died and the battle was over. I came out of a battle requiring to use a single heal skill, which only effected like 50 of my 200 mana pool. Had I required to use atleast 5 heals in that battle, I would have fealt more like a true champion. Instead I walk through the game 1 hitting everything with my godly baby rattle. When ideally, I would like to feel like an average or great warrior, without limiting myself to roughly 30 levels and 1-2 perk trees. The solution here is not to play the game in such a way, where I get less choices and have a harder difficulty through doing so. But for Bethesda to make a Grand Master, and or Extreme Harcore mode (added to the slider. please dont make me restart).. Which really should be the Master setting currently inplace, but that's not working for me...
When comparing to Oblivion.....Oblivion, I cannot even play on the hardest setting without getting whooped over and over... I'd like to ATLEAST have that option available, and not 1 shot people with a bow, even though I havn't spent a single perk into my bow tree.. It doesn't feel right, and I should have the option to make it so my class feels as if it's viable in it's proffession only, rather than playing godly and overpowered in all three areas of play (I can easily enchant a destruction robe and nuke nearly aswell as a mage player, minus the 25% dmg bonus perk and finishing strike animations).
I almost feel like a master mode should make anything un-perked nearly absolete. And if the player hates this idea, Don't play Master, step it down one. And those players should also have a difficulty setting where there un-perked areas are still viable, but the game is still extremely challanging and they must use every tool in "perk book" to succeed in a single battle. Having those 2 modes of mastery, I would find myself flipping between the two and really start enjoying some of these tactical and well scripted battles Bethesda delivered to us.
The Battles could be great!: Example from my last quest: When the Stormcloak were talking about this being a perfect spot for an ambush, and we can't just go walking in there. I was really intruiged to figure out a tactical way of doing the mission without failure / death of myself or a teamates. Instead I ran in there SHOUTING,(litterally) "I am dragon born!" And continued to one hit everything.. That one battle could have ended up being a key memory for me in this game, I may have reloaded that battle several times, and found myself perfecting a really cool combat situation. Instead, I went in there with experience, and this epic moment in an amazing game, become just a stupid smash and grab quest....
So in otherwords, Skyrim punishes you for leveling up your character...As a Bethesda gamer, your going to want to be somewhat powerful (max lvl), and if you succeed, the difficulty slider has always been there to still give you a challange. Now it's broken, and your being punished for leveling up as an RPG is intended to be. Bethesda clearly stated before release, Hard cap of around 80!. That means, they expected hardcoe RPG fans to hit 80 and still enjoy the game. Hearing them say that it's mathematically calculated to around 80, tells me they didn't play test much further than 50, and figured the game was "challanging enough" with a semi perked out characters.... Good RPG's always provide worthy or epic battles to even the greatest of heroes, fact!.
What are your thoughts and experiences with the difficulty so far?