So I'm making my 2nd and final build for a true Dragonborn character for the main quest. The first was a Bosmer Ranger, and this one is an Altmer...something or other. Pretty much a battlemage, but not quite as I wanted to be a bit different. Lately though it has been extremely difficult, even on lower difficulties to survive with this build and I'm looking for some outside opinions and insight. Let me go over the basics first:
Name: Sinyano
Race: Altmer
Class: Battlemage (sort of)
Skills: Primary - One-handed, Destruction, Heavy armor
Secondary - Restoration, Alteration
Crafting - Enchanting
Weapon of Choice: Mace / Destruction Magics
Follower: Faendel
So to explain a few of my choices -
I wanted a Mer race for a Dragonborn (MQ); his RP story is that with the rise of the Aldmeri Dominion, the Dragonborn is discovered to save the land torn apart by war. He was an operative inside of Skyrim for an opposing unnamed faction to the Thalmor, their goal to rally support to oppose the Thalmor and to eventually unite the continent under the new Dominion banner, either as members or accepting allies. He was caught by the Thalmor and planted near a patrolling group of Imperials so that he could be dealt with. Their plan obviously was derailed by the arrival of Alduin.
Faendel was a perfect follower for this RP since he is a Bosmer who joined the DB after his trust was earned and also shared similar views of the Thalmor and of the Dominion.
I never had a character, in any of the types, use a pound-type melee attack so I wanted this character to have one. Since my last character which was all melee used a battle axe, this was the obvious choice (1 handed - Mace). It's slow, but I still really like it (especially the basic of a finisher, but devastating). As for the magic selection, destruction and restoration were obvious choices for damage, healing, and wards (for fighting dragons) but I also wanted Alteration for the potential later on for the bonuses to armor as well as casting Paralysis.
I'm really accurate with my casting and rarely miss with my melee attacks and my combat style is to lay destruction magic down against melee/ranged opponents until I can get up close for a couple shots with the mace, and against magical opponents I counter with wards and go in with mace to stun and kill them. Against the end-dungeon opponents and such I have a REALLY hard time, even on novice difficulties and I'm wondering if this is just a really bad build, bad approach, or both. For example, it took me countless tries to take down Otar the Mad and get his mask. Maybe I was too early of a level for that dungeon (11).
Any thoughts or advice would be good. This is really the first time I've had such difficulty with a build.