[WIPz] Digging for Treasure

Post » Sat May 18, 2013 7:56 am

I don't understand what you are suggesting? I don't own any DLC so am not familiar with the quest that you speak of.

The mechanics have been designed and implemented, and so far its all working nicely for the player to dig up the chests when they find them (demo vid a few posts up). I've scripted it so that any actor can use them as long as they have a shovel in their inventory, so you should be able to command your followers to do the hard work if you want to (come to think of it, I still need to test this and confirm that this part is in fact working)

- Hypno
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George PUluse
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Post » Sat May 18, 2013 5:06 am

You guys rock! The treasure hunting idea is really cool too and I would love to try that out. I think it would be interesting and more challenging to make certain sets of items/armor only available through finding it. In my current play through I am trying to not buy/craft enchanted items so that I have to get them from random loot. For instance instead of breaking the game and disenchanting alchemy gear and then making my own I now have to find it. Once I have a complete set I will probably make my own using the gear that I want it on so that it's a uniform set but that will only change the appearance at that point. But you could have a few different theme-based treasure hunts like find the master alchemist's gear because he felt no one should be able to craft the powerful potions he was able to or find the "cursed" daedric armor that some warrior hid because he felt it was evil and destroying his soul.

Definitely looking forward to adding this to my mod list.

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Paul Rice
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Post » Sat May 18, 2013 11:54 am

One of them could simply be a thieves stash with the thief hiding the loot while on the run, a short note to a partner something along the lines of :- Their after me if they catch me I'll be killed for sure, hope they haven't got you already.

A Steward could have swiped something precious from a Yarl and had to hide it out in the bush.

A bandit stash of weapons and armour close to a favourite raiding spot so the bandits can equip for a raid then return to normal attire for deception. Again just a note to a new recruit explaining the MO.

If you feel so inclined you could always have one or two dud chests, like a hokerr farmer thinking useless junk is precious.

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Post » Sat May 18, 2013 10:50 am

Hahaha....It's like you're inside my brain mate!

- Hypno
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Sat May 18, 2013 9:07 am

Haha, that's some funny stuff right there. Endless possibilities with this mod. Definitely going to be grabbing this.

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