Diplomat (CHR 10?)
Rank 1: You now have a chance to parlay with the enemy leader of raider locations. Successful parlay with the leader of a settlement (this option is only for settlements) can be requested to leave for 500 caps.
Rank 2: You now have a chance to parlay with the enemy leader of gunner locations and children of atom locations. Successful parlay with the leader of a settlement can be requested to leave for 500 caps (not sure there are currently any settlements controlled by these groups…)
Rank 3: When you come to a hostile super mutant location you now have a chance to parlay with the enemy leader. Successful parlay with the leader of a settlement can be requested to leave for 500 caps.
A successful parlay will mark that location as neutral (for the case of most quests this would be the equivalent of cleared, some quests would still require actual killing of all). This would also turn all NPCs to non-hostile in that area, which means you can loot without disturbance (unless you pickpocket or steal ofc!). And of course any hostile action by you towards a ‘Neutral’ location would turn it back to hostile.
Parlay would work similar to pacify, once parlay is successful a dialog wheel opens up with the leader. If you fail a parlay with a full health leader you will get another chance once the leader has lost 25% health, you can attempt to parlay again, your chances will be better. Every 25% drop in health you get another chance to parlay and your chances for successful parlay are increased. If on the last 25% of health you attempted a parlay and failed you can either leave the location or try a day later or just kill the leader any everyone there. Leaders would now have 25% sections marked on their healthbar.
A successful parlay grants 200XP. Parlay would be chance based, the chance could be increased by charisma, level gap, and luck. Charisma and level much more so than luck. High enough level gap, charisma, and/or luck would guarantee it (although it have to very very high). Gunners and children of atom would be harder to parlay with than raiders but would grant more XP. Supermutants would be twice as difficult to parlay with but would also grant twice as much XP. Also, Bethesda would have to go in and ensure that each location has a designated leader. Since you could only parlay with the leader you would either have to fight you way to them, sneak, or use Intimidation. This may not allow for an entirely ‘pacifist’ approach, but it does allow for less violence and certainly adds more interesting alternatives to some missions.