this post / thread is directed to Crytek:
Look at all the posts... nobody in the PC forum is happy with the game in it's current state..
This is not a rage or flame thread, but WHY have you let us down? You could have earned a lot of money and fame.. now you'll get shame, because you released such a crappy console port on PC.
I had faith in Crytek, I saw the CryEngine 3 videos and thought: "Wow, Crysis 2 will be amazing.."
What I got is just.. a shooter like COD with a slightly better story & better graphics (but not as good as the good old Crysis 1).
And btw.: You damaged your reputation.. oh no, you haven't damaged the reputation.
You removed (!) your reputation as PC developer. Multiplatform? Oh dear, how can someone take you serious for that?
What has Crytek turned out to be... Moneybags? unfortunately.
I am really sad because of this situation... I feel sorry Crytek, but I am sure: If (only if) you create a "Crysis 3", nobody of the current PC buyers will buy the game.. nobody.

Oh, and @Cry-Adam & @Cry-Tom:
Hope you don't delete this thread, because I'm not injuring the forum rules