Directed to Crytek: What are you going to do?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:48 am


this post / thread is directed to Crytek:

Look at all the posts... nobody in the PC forum is happy with the game in it's current state..
This is not a rage or flame thread, but WHY have you let us down? You could have earned a lot of money and fame.. now you'll get shame, because you released such a crappy console port on PC.
I had faith in Crytek, I saw the CryEngine 3 videos and thought: "Wow, Crysis 2 will be amazing.."
What I got is just.. a shooter like COD with a slightly better story & better graphics (but not as good as the good old Crysis 1).
And btw.: You damaged your reputation.. oh no, you haven't damaged the reputation.
You removed (!) your reputation as PC developer. Multiplatform? Oh dear, how can someone take you serious for that?
What has Crytek turned out to be... Moneybags? unfortunately.

I am really sad because of this situation... I feel sorry Crytek, but I am sure: If (only if) you create a "Crysis 3", nobody of the current PC buyers will buy the game.. nobody. :(

Oh, and @Cry-Adam & @Cry-Tom:
Hope you don't delete this thread, because I'm not injuring the forum rules ;)
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:38 am


this post / thread is directed to Crytek:

Look at all the posts... nobody in the PC forum is happy with the game in it's current state..
This is not a rage or flame thread, but WHY have you let us down? You could have earned a lot of money and fame.. now you'll get shame, because you released such a crappy console port on PC.
I had faith in Crytek, I saw the CryEngine 3 videos and thought: "Wow, Crysis 2 will be amazing.."
What I got is just.. a shooter like COD with a slightly better story & better graphics (but not as good as the good old Crysis 1).
And btw.: You damaged your reputation.. oh no, you haven't damaged the reputation.
You removed (!) your reputation as PC developer. Multiplatform? Oh dear, how can someone take you serious for that?
What has Crytek turned out to be... Moneybags? unfortunately.

I am really sad because of this situation... I feel sorry Crytek, but I am sure: If (only if) you create a "Crysis 3", nobody of the current PC buyers will buy the game.. nobody. :(

Oh, and @Cry-Adam & @Cry-Tom:
Hope you don't delete this thread, because I'm not injuring the forum rules ;)

Maybe we should start a letter writing campaign. That way they can physically see a count of unhappy PC owners. It's seems on the forums it could be very difficult to quantify the total number of unhappy customers/fans. Even the good posts with votes of hundreds that are completely pissed just get buried within a day or two anyhow.

In the political arena one letter from a citizen is typically considered the opinion of hundreds/thousands.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:45 am


this post / thread is directed to Crytek:

Look at all the posts... nobody in the PC forum is happy with the game in it's current state..
This is not a rage or flame thread, but WHY have you let us down? You could have earned a lot of money and fame.. now you'll get shame, because you released such a crappy console port on PC.
I had faith in Crytek, I saw the CryEngine 3 videos and thought: "Wow, Crysis 2 will be amazing.."
What I got is just.. a shooter like COD with a slightly better story & better graphics (but not as good as the good old Crysis 1).
And btw.: You damaged your reputation.. oh no, you haven't damaged the reputation.
You removed (!) your reputation as PC developer. Multiplatform? Oh dear, how can someone take you serious for that?
What has Crytek turned out to be... Moneybags? unfortunately.

I am really sad because of this situation... I feel sorry Crytek, but I am sure: If (only if) you create a "Crysis 3", nobody of the current PC buyers will buy the game.. nobody. :(

Oh, and @Cry-Adam & @Cry-Tom:
Hope you don't delete this thread, because I'm not injuring the forum rules ;)

This game is far more better than any COD! And Crysis 1 maybe has destructible objects, but Crysis 2 has a lot better lighting, special effects etc. And I don't think Crytek is resposible for this! It's EA because Crysis 2 was released to soon! Crytek also has to make this game on 3 platforms, not 1 like in Crysis 1, so it is more work! Yes, maybe Crytek made some mistakes, but look how much work have they done in the last month!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:38 am


this post / thread is directed to Crytek:

Look at all the posts... nobody in the PC forum is happy with the game in it's current state..
This is not a rage or flame thread, but WHY have you let us down? You could have earned a lot of money and fame.. now you'll get shame, because you released such a crappy console port on PC.
I had faith in Crytek, I saw the CryEngine 3 videos and thought: "Wow, Crysis 2 will be amazing.."
What I got is just.. a shooter like COD with a slightly better story & better graphics (but not as good as the good old Crysis 1).
And btw.: You damaged your reputation.. oh no, you haven't damaged the reputation.
You removed (!) your reputation as PC developer. Multiplatform? Oh dear, how can someone take you serious for that?
What has Crytek turned out to be... Moneybags? unfortunately.

I am really sad because of this situation... I feel sorry Crytek, but I am sure: If (only if) you create a "Crysis 3", nobody of the current PC buyers will buy the game.. nobody. :(

Oh, and @Cry-Adam & @Cry-Tom:
Hope you don't delete this thread, because I'm not injuring the forum rules ;)
i think CrEAtek is going to sell us 4 maps that already were in beta version, then they will try to sell us DX11 patch, then they will add some new weapons skins and will sell it too
i don't care what CrEAtek gonna do really. i did make my conclusion with all this craps so i don't warry about wasting money in future at least
anyway BF3 is comming soon so i feel myself good
we should stop trying to reason CrEAtek, coz with that 4 maps pack for 10 bucks announce they clearly showed us they spit on the comunity and don't recognize their failure with this project at all.
just note - THEY DO NOT CARE
well, me too =)
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:45 pm

But what can we do?
I mean, c'mon.. Crysis 2 is .. let's say good (when all the bugs get fixed), but I expected an AMAZING game like Crysis 1 was.
I am missing: Better Physics.
I am missing: Better Graphics (Only Lightning & Effects in Crysis 2 are better).
I am missing: Vehicles in Multiplayer.
I am missing: PowerStruggle <3.
I am missing: The good old Crytek. If the DLC really costs 9,99$ .. all I have to say is: WTF?!?
I am missing a game that'll be alive for years.

Crysis 1 is still be played.
Crysis 2 in 2 years? I don't think so.

I am open for everything, and I am a huge Crytek & Crysis fan.. really.
My posts are just.. full of disappointments.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:15 pm

Oh and I forgot CVars and all that stuff.. (I mean, ALL cvars)
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:57 am

I don't know what Crytek are going to do.

I know what I'm going to do.
I'm not going to buy a Crytek game never more.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:59 am

But what can we do?
I mean, c'mon.. Crysis 2 is .. let's say good (when all the bugs get fixed), but I expected an AMAZING game like Crysis 1 was.
I am missing: Better Physics.
I am missing: Better Graphics (Only Lightning & Effects in Crysis 2 are better).
I am missing: Vehicles in Multiplayer.
I am missing: PowerStruggle <3.
I am missing: The good old Crytek. If the DLC really costs 9,99$ .. all I have to say is: WTF?!?
I am missing a game that'll be alive for years.

Crysis 1 is still be played.
Crysis 2 in 2 years? I don't think so.

I am open for everything, and I am a huge Crytek & Crysis fan.. really.
My posts are just.. full of disappointments.
we can await better phisics
we can await better graphics for sure
but you will never see really huge MP maps
you will never get vehicles in MP
and now i can assure you - you will NEVER have ANYTHING for free
i will not be surprised if DX11 patch will be sold (why not?)
i'm Crysis fan too
and i greatly dissapointed as well
but we just should accept the situation as is - CrEAtek is no more the developer made Crysis 1. it's another company, anpther rules, another objectives
sad but true
just accept it
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:31 am

I don't think the game is "bad" just not finished.
Mostly ppl are angry because there is no dialog between devs and players. We feel ignored and left with lots and lots of bugs. I would start appreciating the game more if I knew what's going on and why the situation is like it is.
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Solène We
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:01 am

I don't think the game is "bad" just not finished.
Mostly ppl are angry because there is no dialog between devs and players. We feel ignored and left with lots and lots of bugs. I would start appreciating the game more if I knew what's going on and why the situation is like it is.

Yeah, this is one of the worst supporting services I ever seen.
We only get answers at silly questions, never nothing relevant.

It seems that Crytek workers are so ashamed to show their faces here and tell us why exist a paid DLC before a patch that fixes the infinite bugs of this game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:37 am

i bet there are lots of them (createk) here hiding behind the anonymity that is this internet forum, they just dont want us to know it. i challenge them to show themselves and answer our questions, if they really believe in their game then they shouldnt be afraid to identify themselves and answer our questions.

if not then we all know why. dont need to explain to me at least
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:29 am


this post / thread is directed to Crytek:

Look at all the posts... nobody in the PC forum is happy with the game in it's current state..

And here we stop, why? Because this forum is just a small piece of whole C2 community, community on this forum, and what they say it is not a determinant of C2 success. People posting here are blinded in some way, and they don't get that this game was bought by more than 1.8mil people, and this forum have maybe 200+ same people posting over and over, and yet they see this forum as an example to justify their rage about game being a total failure.

From company point of view, this forum is just a small group of people not being happy from game, which is normal to any released game, and thats why they don't see their game as an fail, and release DLC for extra few bucks.
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how solid
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:46 pm

I refuse to buy another crytek product after this blatant spit to our faces for the pc community i used to support crytek they were my favorite company and they coulda gone far now there just in it for the money and dont care about the community that made them successfull.

And to the post above me go read some reviews idiot instead of trying to cram your idea of the game down everyones throats.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:35 pm

I don't think the game is "bad" just not finished.
Mostly ppl are angry because there is no dialog between devs and players. We feel ignored and left with lots and lots of bugs. I would start appreciating the game more if I knew what's going on and why the situation is like it is.

And that, sir, means Crysis 2 is currently a bad game.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:26 pm


this post / thread is directed to Crytek:

Look at all the posts... nobody in the PC forum is happy with the game in it's current state..

And here we stop, why? Because this forum is just a small piece of whole C2 community, community on this forum, and what they say it is not a determinant of C2 success. People posting here are blinded in some way, and they don't get that this game was bought by more than 1.8mil people, and this forum have maybe 200+ same people posting over and over, and yet they see this forum as an example to justify their rage about game being a total failure.

From company point of view, this forum is just a small group of people not being happy from game, which is normal to any released game, and thats why they don't see their game as an fail, and release DLC for extra few bucks.
At prime time, 8pm, when people are home to enjoy a game after a hard days work there are currently 380 people playing Crysis 2 through Steam. Now I know this in no way represents the entire pc player base, but it does represent a large portion of it. And that's world wide, not just for NA. So how is that not a failure for a game that has been out barely 2 months, especially one that is supposed to be as big as C2? Though that doesn't specify if they are actually in the multiplayer or not, so yeah, it's safe to say there are even less playing multiplayer.

In comparison, Crysis 1 has over 700 and came out how many years ago? Also it doesn't matter if the majority of those 1.8+ million people are playing on consoles because that in no way helps keep the pc community alive.

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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:48 am

It seems that Crytek workers are so ashamed to show their faces here and tell us why exist a paid DLC before a patch that fixes the infinite bugs of this game.

Might be because Bug fixing doesnt pay for ****. A mappack/DLC gives money for no work at all where as fixing bugs is time consuming and doesnt generate no profit at all. I wont be suprise if we never see a bug fix patch again. Crysis 2 in my mind is a utter failure and im sure 70% of the people posting in the PC section basically agree.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:09 am

Player base it is whole number of people who played game at least once and own legit copy of this game. There are people who play this game only for SP, only for MP, or maybe both, there are people who play once a week, or each day. Only acceptable way to know how many players have Crysis 2 is to look into sales records or ask Crytek to show us their records from player base.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:18 am

Should specify *active* player base. 400ish people world wide is pretty damn sad for a game that was supposed to be as huge as Crysis 2 only 2 months after it's release.
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:04 am

Should specify *active* player base. 400ish people world wide is pretty damn sad for a game that was supposed to be as huge as Crysis 2 only 2 months after it's release.

I agree with this guy out of the entire world if only 400 people are online and playing thats very fail for any game.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:16 pm

Should specify *active* player base. 400ish people world wide is pretty damn sad for a game that was supposed to be as huge as Crysis 2 only 2 months after it's release.

I agree with this guy out of the entire world if only 400 people are online and playing thats very fail for any game.
That just means they're playing Crysis 2, it doesn't even mean all of those people are playing multiplayer.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:21 pm

And still they want we pay more for this Fail Game.

Nice try Crytek.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:50 am

If they are really going to sell the DLC for PC (!) I am sure a lot of players will turn their back to Crytek (if they haven't done so)..
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Jessica White
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:11 am

I’m not buying anything from crycrap anymore, in fact I’m wondering why I even check these forums anymore…
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:32 am

Oh, and I forgot the 64bit executable ;)
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:42 am

Should specify *active* player base. 400ish people world wide is pretty damn sad for a game that was supposed to be as huge as Crysis 2 only 2 months after it's release.

As we speak 700+ people is playing ONLY multiplayer all over the world, and i ONLY count full servers (there is almost 2 times more servers with have more than 4 people playing).
Now add all casual players who play once a week, or once a few days at least, add those who play ONLY singleplayer, add those who play SP without being even logged to account.

The point is that your numbers doesn't reflect real player base, or amount of people actually "using" game and thats a fact.

10min after this post was playing MP almost 900 people (only full servers) and those number are not even extended by people who usually play MP but are not online ATM.
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