In previous Elder Scrolls games, the direction in which you attacked wasn't only visual: there were statistics behind them as well. In Arena and Daggerfall, your different modes of attacking (stab, horizontal slash, diagonal slash) effectively boiled down to stabs being more accurate (but less damaging), and horizontal slashes being more capable of "parrying" opposing blows than the other attacks. Morrowind's weapons could each be handled in one of three ways and had separate damage values for each: but depending on the type you really mostly would just stick with one (or otherwise resort to the "use best attack" option). For example, spears were good for stabbing but little else: and axes were better at chopping than stabbing in this regard. In Oblivion, the system returned to a singular damage value for each weapon, but directional attacks still had some purpose through both power attacks and later skill perks.
I was wondering what you guys think of martial combat in Skyrim. We already know that there will be effects associated with some weapons (bleeding, armor penetration) but do you think there will be any context-specific moves we can pull off as well? Things like being able to use an undercut to bypass an enemy's shield, or maybe different speeds/damage values for the way in which you swing your weapon (I'd like to think that it should take you longer to "lunge" with a polearm and complete your attack than if you were to just chop with it).