"After I got my bearings in Riverwood, I walked into the trader to dump off some goods and maybe grab a few potions. As I walked in, the vendor was arguing with a woman I later learned to be his sister. They noticed me walk in, and the sister walked to a chair and sat while I made my transaction. I asked the vendor what the argument was about, and he told me in hushed tones that they recently had a robbery. But here’s the kicker: the bandits made off with only one thing, a golden claw. He said they ran off to their bandit hideout in the nearby mountain and doesn’t know what to do about it. Being the indomitable bane of foxes everywhere I offered my services. Normally, this is where I go and do my thing. But as soon as I started turning away, the sister jumped from her chair and started berating her brother for hiring some stranger off the street to go settle their problems. It was awkward. She asked her brother if it was even smart to send me on my way without a guide. He didn’t have an answer so she said she would do it. Sure enough, she walked me outside and told me that the bandits lived near the mountain that could be seen above the house in front of us. She guided me to the bridge on the edge of town and told me to follow it and keep right. Then she thanked me and walked away."
THIS GAME WILL BE AMAZING!!!! :ahhh: ahem...sorry ^_^
full article: http://www.gamingtruth.com/2011/10/17/skyrim-three-hours-by-the-veteran/