Two years ago, I bought two ATI Radeon HD 4870's in crossfire. I'm still very pleased with their performance: They run Dragon Age 2 on maximum settings minus the DX11 stuff. This includes 8X AA and 16X anisotropic filtering at 1920 X 1080 resolution, as well as vsync and that shading option mentioned in the in game graphics menu that says it will impact performance if I use it
. And yes, I downloaded and installed the high res textures as well. The only time I see visible stuttering is during a few cut scenes, but never during gameplay. I see no reason to spend $400 to upgrade to two 6870's just to get slightly better special effects (once you go Crossfire, you can never go back). I'm no upgrade junkie
In terms of operating systems, I still have Windows Vista. I'm just too cheap to upgrade to Windows 7 right now
. I'm used to Vista, and I dare say I like it as well. In a few months, I may have some spare cash to upgrade, but in the mean time, the price is too steep for something I don't really need right now
. I'm one of those people with a bachelor's degree (chemistry, ACS certified) and nothing to apply it towards
However, I'd love to see DX11 in Skyrim for whenever I do get better graphics cards. I plan to keep these for another... two years at this rate, however
. Crysis 2 may decide to rip them a new one before then, though. Perhaps it won't be long before I have to settle on "medium" settings... which really aren't that bad.
edit: Yes, I abuse emoticons.