» Tue May 10, 2011 4:47 am
My current graphics card does not support Direct X 11, and even if it did, I'd still need to get Windows 7 to use it, so, with the current situation, I wouldn't be able to benefit fromr Direct X 11 even if Skyrim supported it (Which I don't expect it to, but we'll see.) still, it would be nice if the game supported it, so long as Bethesda was not foolish enough to not include the option to play the game without it. When I do upgrade to Direct X 11, and I'm sure I will because I have no dillusions that my current hardware is going to be able to play all games I want to, even if at the sacrifice of graphics quality, forever, when that happens, of course I'll want to be able to take advantage of the benefits it grants. If I can play Skyrim whenever I am able to upgrade to a Direct X 11 card and an OS that supports it, and see that the game looks better than it ever could before, it will be nice. Moreover, having Direct X 11 support by default would likely allow modders to benefit from some of the effects it allows, thus allowing future graphics mods to do things without using any external programs or other mods what might otherwise require a Skyrim Graphics Extender to do, if it would be possible at all. Still, Direct X 11 options are one of those things that would be nice to see, but I don't really need to enjoy the game, for now, lack of Direct X 11 graphics aren't going to stop me from enjoying the game, fortunately. In the end, I like good graphics, and certainly wouldn't complain about being able to have a game that both looks good and plays good, but I don't need Skyrim to be the best looking game on the market to enjoy it.